Hi Laird,
On 6/11/2012 8:27 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> Hello; our application features lots and lots of named queries. We use them for a number of reasons which include:
> * Single compilation and verification/validation at startup
> * Ability for XML overrides
> However, there are some queries that have to be dynamic (namely those that feature ORDER BY clauses that might be
> logically passed in by the caller, since the latter cannot be parameterized in a named query). (Think about the use
> case of someone clicking on a column header in a table to sort on that column header, but where you want the sorting to
> be accomplished on the server side.)
> Although we'd greatly prefer a named query syntax that would permit such (extremely common!) parameterization, failing
> that we need to know where the best place is to build these using the criteria query facilities and store them in a Java
> EE 6 application that makes use of JPA. I can think of several candidates ranging from static Maps to @Singleton EJBs
> and so forth.
> However, I am not sure what state a criteria-query-built Query is required to possess or is prohibited from possessing.
> Are these objects tied in some manner to the thread that created them, or the currently open EntityManager, or other
> things that would prevent them from being built once and cached somewhere? Is this behavior undefined (in which case I
> can make no assumption whatsoever about the associated state, and therefore for portability and safety must reconstruct
> these queries again and again)?
> I am happy to provide more details as requested. This strikes me as a really common use case that isn't fully addressed
> by the JPA specification which is another reason I brought it up here; my apologies if I'm in the wrong place.
The CriteriaQuery objects themselves can be cached (see spec section 6.9). Any executable
TypedQuery or Query objects that you create from them are only guaranteed to be valid when
the entity manager that you used to create them is open (see spec 3.1.1).
> Best,
> Laird
> --
> http://about.me/lairdnelson