[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Re: BNF question: how to parse the example containing KEY, VALUE (and LIKE)

From: Linda DeMichiel <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 14:20:42 -0700

Hi Michael,

On 3/26/2012 2:14 PM, Michael Bouschen wrote:
> Hi Linda,
> more below ...
>> Hi Michael,
>> Thanks for following up on this. More below....
>> On 3/22/2012 3:50 PM, Michael Bouschen wrote:
>>> Hi Linda,
>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>> On 3/19/2012 3:26 PM, Michael Bouschen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Linda,
>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>> On 3/19/2012 6:54 AM, Christian Romberg wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear group,
>>>>>>> While investigating how to parse queries like this (all page/chapter references refer to EDR 2.1, Dec 19th, 2011):
>>>>>>> SELECT p
>>>>>>> FROM Person p, in(pc.firstnames) n
>>>>>>> WHERE n = 'Joe'
>>>>>>> (firstnames is a List<String>)
>>>>>>> I came across the following example provided in the spec, which is related in structure:
>>>>>>> section 4.4.4, p. 153:
>>>>>>> SELECT <>, VALUE(p)
>>>>>>> FROM Item i JOIN p
>>>>>>> WHERE KEY(p) LIKE ‘%egret’
>>>>>>> I looked at the BNF how this is parsed, and did not find any derivation for the FROM clause:
>>>>>>> where_clause ::= WHERE conditional_expression
>>>>>>> conditional_expression ::= conditional_term
>>>>>>> conditional_term ::= conditional_factor
>>>>>>> conditional_factor ::= conditional_primary
>>>>>>> conditional_primary ::= simple_cond_expression
>>>>>>> simple_cond_expression ::= like_expression
>>>>>>> like_expression ::= string_expression LIKE pattern_value
>>>>>>> So eventually I end up with 'string_expression', from which I can not derive a 'qualified_identification_variable'
>>>>>>> string_expression ::=
>>>>>>> state_field_path_expression |
>>>>>>> string_literal |
>>>>>>> input_parameter |
>>>>>>> functions_returning_strings |
>>>>>>> aggregate_expression |
>>>>>>> case_expression |
>>>>>>> function_invocation |
>>>>>>> (subquery)
>>>>>>> Did I miss something, or is there actually a rule missing in the grammar for this?
>>>>>> Yes, you are right. The problem is that composable_qualified_identification_variable
>>>>>> is currently assumed to not designate a state field, which it should.
>>>>>> Not sure yet what the best fix for this is in the grammar yet.
>>>>> would it work if we add composable_qualified_identification_variable as an additional alternative in string_expression
>>>>> (and datetime_expressio etc.):
>>>> I believe so, but I think we have to go further. I.e., I think we need to support this also
>>>> in in_expression, function_arg, case_operand, aggregate_expression, and entity_or_value_expression.
>>>> Do you agree?
>>> yes agreed. The same holds true for orderby_item, correct?
>> Yes, orderBy_item needs to be covered as well.
>> I am hesitating about adding composable_qualified_identification_variable
>> to state_field_path_expression though, because a key may often not be a
>> state field of the object that is the map value. I'm also concerned
>> about the order-by rules. E.g.,
>> @Entity
>> public class Company {
>> @Id int id;
>> ...
>> @OneToMany // map key is division name
>> Map<String, VicePresident> organization;
>> The following query shouldn't work, because the key is
>> not part of the result.
> I agree, the above query should not work. But how about returning the key that is used in the order by:
> SELECT key(vp)
> FROM Company c JOIN c.organization vp
> WHERE vp.reports > 100
> ORDER BY key(vp)

Yes. I agree that this should be legal.

> I think this query should be legal. This means the orderby_item needs to be covered the same as all the other places we
> discussed where composable_qualified_identification_variable needs to be added. But maybe we should extend the rules for
> the orderby_item as specified in chapter 4.9 on pages 183/184. We could add composable_qualified_identification_variable
> to the second rule that covers state_field_path_expression already.

Yes, only I would cover this as a separate rule (to make it very clear).

>> SELECT vp
>> FROM Company c JOIN c.organization vp
>> WHERE vp.reports > 100
>> ORDER BY key(vp)
>> So, I was thinking of just either adding composable_qualified_identification_variable to
>> the needed places (ugly) or defining another non-terminal, e.g.,
>> generalized_state_expression::= state_field_path_expression | composable_qualified_identification_variable.
>> What do you think?
> I like the idea of having another non-terminal because a composable_qualified_identification_variable like key(vp) is
> not really a state_field_path_expression.
> That would mean the new non-terminal generalized_state_expression is used in all the places we discussed before, correct?


Thanks again! It looks like we're on the same page here.



> Regards Michael
>> regards,
>> -Linda
>>> So maybe we extend state_field_path_expression and add composable_qualified_identification_variable as an alternative:
>>> state_field_path_expression ::=
>>> general_subpath.state_field |
>>> composable_qualified_identification_variable
>>> Regards Michael
>>>> regards,
>>>> -Linda
>>>>> string_expression ::=
>>>>> state_field_path_expression |
>>>>> composable_qualified_identification_variable |
>>>>> string_literal |
>>>>> ...
>>>>> Regards Michael
>>>>>> Thanks for pointing this out.
>>>>>> -Linda
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Christian Romberg
>>>>>>> Chief Engineer| Versant GmbH
>>>>>>> (T) +49 40 60990-0 <tel:%2B49%2040%2060990-0>
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>>>>> --
>>>>> *Michael Bouschen*
>>>>> *Prokurist*
>>>>> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH
>>>>> Bülowstr. 66, D-10783 Berlin
>>>>> Fon: +49 30 235 520-33
>>>>> Fax: +49 30 217 520-12
>>>>> Email:
>>>>> Web: <>
>>>>> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH, Berlin
>>>>> Geschäftsführung: Martin Weber, Dr. Torsten Fink
>>>>> Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 86780 B
>>>>> USt.-Id. Nr.: DE 225 964 680
>>> --
>>> *Michael Bouschen*
>>> *Prokurist*
>>> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH
>>> Bülowstr. 66, D-10783 Berlin
>>> Fon: +49 30 235 520-33
>>> Fax: +49 30 217 520-12
>>> Email:
>>> Web: <>
>>> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH, Berlin
>>> Geschäftsführung: Martin Weber, Dr. Torsten Fink
>>> Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 86780 B
>>> USt.-Id. Nr.: DE 225 964 680
> --
> *Michael Bouschen*
> *Prokurist*
> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH
> Bülowstr. 66, D-10783 Berlin
> Fon: +49 30 235 520-33
> Fax: +49 30 217 520-12
> Email:
> Web: <>
> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH, Berlin
> Geschäftsführung: Martin Weber, Dr. Torsten Fink
> Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 86780 B
> USt.-Id. Nr.: DE 225 964 680