Hi Christian,
On 3/23/2012 6:30 AM, Christian Romberg wrote:
> Dear group,
> Maybe this has been discussed already -- my apologies, if this is the case:
> Is there any propagation of lockModes along with eager fetching?
> From my understanding of the spec it seems, that the lockMode used in most operations (e.g. find, refresh)
> is only applied to the entities which are the direct argument of these operations and not to any
> entities which are loaded via eager fetching along with these objects.
> (Also, if an referred object was not eagerly fetched, but is eventually loaded (e.g. by navigation), the current lockMode
> of the owner of the reference is not applied for this lazily fetched object.)
> Please let me know, whether my understanding is correct.
> Thank you!
> Christian
> --
> Christian Romberg
> Chief Engineer| Versant GmbH
> (T) +49 40 60990-0
> (F) +49 40 60990-113
> (E) cromberg_at_versant.com <mailto:cromberg_at_versant.com>
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