[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Re: proposal : _at_Entity on interfaces

From: Steve Ebersole <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 11:42:47 -0500

On Wed 14 Mar 2012 11:27:44 AM CDT, michael keith wrote:
>> I am not sure what the end result of such discussions are supposed to
>> be in terms of a proposal making it into the spec or not. But this is
>> starting to feel like its going in circles. If this is something the
>> rest of the group feels should not be in JPA thats fine.
> The end results come after the discussion happens, and the discussion
> is necessary to get as much information about the feature as possible.
> Let's let all of the opinions get expressed and the value of the
> proposal get assessed. This spec stuff takes time for a reason :-)

Thats probably just my newness to the spec game :)

>> I can easily do this in Hibernate. But thats yet another provider
>> portability concern.
> Are you saying this would be the only feature that Hibernate does
> beyond the spec? ;-)

Well I did specifically say "yet another" ;) This one is just more
troubling to me for some reason which I can't quite verbalize yet. I
guess its the nature of an explicit JPA API call behaving totally
different. javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel#entity(
MyInterface.class ) working or not working.