[jpa-spec users] JPA 1.0 style mappings: insertable = false, updatable = false on redundant @Column fields

From: Karsten Wutzke <>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 15:52:59 +0100 (CET)
Hello all,

I've recently reported a bug for Hibernate 4 here:

As it turns out, the bug has been rejected. The reason Mr Ebersole gave on the bug report isn't very satisfying as I have often found the JPA 1.0 style mappings to be a lot more robust over JPA 2.0 style derived identities.

However, I'm not a JPA expert. I'd like to hear a few people's opinion on the reasons why this has been rejected to not being fixed. Is he right?

My opinion is that even if the JPA spec isn't clear about allowing insertable = false / updatable = false on @Column the read-only properties are better off on the redundant @Column fields rather than the relationships.

Is there anybody who can help me with this?


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