[jpa-spec users] Re: Fwd: Features for the next JPA

From: Linda DeMichiel <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:45:42 -0800

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the feedback. With regard to the request for a manual flushmode,
please see the new functionality we have added in the JPA 2.1 Early Draft for
unsynchronized persistence contexts. This allows the application to control
the synchronization of the persistence context with the JTA transaction.



On 1/24/2012 11:39 AM, Jason Porter wrote:
> Hello Expert group and users,
> I'm forwarding a conversation I started with the JSR 317 group back in April 2010 about a manual flush mode idea. Those
> of us who have been following JPA have known this has been a requested feature since JPA 1.0. I've scanned the archives
> of the expert mailing list and the user list and didn't see anything that seemed like it reflected this conversation, if
> this has already been addressed, my apologies.
> Forwarded conversation
> Subject: *Features for the next JPA*
> ------------------------
> From: *Jason Porter* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:25
> To: <>
> FlushMode.MANUAL
> Reasoning: Imagine I have a wizard like form that takes you through a series of steps. You can cancel the wizard at any
> time. If you cancel and don't complete the process either the records that were persisted need to be removed, or with a
> manual flush option I can flush once at the end of the wizard (keeping state in a conversation or a session) and just
> write to the database once. That's the power of having a manual flush. I'm not done with my unit of work, so don't write
> anything until I tell you to, when I'm done with the unit of work.
> It would be the same in a desktop / fat client application, why commit things to the database and have to possibly clean
> it out if I don't need to?
> Standardization of audit log / versioning API
> Reasoning: Both Hibernate (via Envers) and Eclipselink have this ability. It also comes up very frequent in enterprise
> applications, and we have to look to non-standard solutions or roll our own. A standard API would be very helpful.
> --
> Jason Porter
> Software Engineer
> Open Source Advocate
> PGP key id: 926CCFF5
> PGP key available at: <>, <>
> ----------
> From: *Evan Ireland* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 14:41
> To: Jason Porter < <>>
> Cc: <>
> Jason,
> Agreed on FlushMode.MANUAL.
> I'm not convinced regharding auditing. Yes it comes up in many enterprise
> applications, but the requirements vary considerably from system to system.
> What did you have in mind with regard to a versioning API?
> ----------
> From: *Jason Porter* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 15:16
> To: Evan Ireland < <>>
> Cc: "< <>>" <
> <>>
> I'm only familiar with Envers, so I'm not sure what other solutions do. Envers creates a duplicate of your table(s) with
> additional columns such as change date. Whenever a change happens to your table(s) an entry is put into the other table,
> this also allows for a rudimentary audit log (if other data such as user that made the change could be added) as well.
> Another solution (though it kinda reinvents what some dbs already do) would be to store the SQL that was run, that would
> allow a replay log to some degree.
> It also would allow for a restore of previous states if needed (not sure if that would/should be part of a spec atm).
> Sent from my iPhone
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 17:39
> To: Jason Porter < <>>
> Cc: <>
> __
> Hi Jason,
> While I agree with the use case of a longer lived application transaction, a Flushmode.Manual option is not the right
> solution for the problem, particularly in the context of multiple resource JTA transactions. A longer-lived
> pseudo-transactional context should be transactionally consistent and have expected transactional semantics. A
> FlushMode.Manual option (of the variety promoted by some people/products) on the persistence context is not the solution
> to what you are describing and does not exhibit the correct transaction behavior (in your example multiple JTA
> transactions may have been committed in the interim since the wizard started, and deciding to simply not persist the
> entities at any time can render a potentially inconsistent result in those transactions).
> The solution is to have a proper application transaction mechanism that behaves as one might expect an application
> transaction to behave. This should involve more than just the persistence layer, although if the primary use case is
> that only a single persistence resource is needed/used then we might be able to come up with a special transaction flag,
> or add a wonky option to JTA to allow for that. Not convinced that would be very nice, though.
> ----------
> From: *Evan Ireland* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 17:45
> To: <>, Jason Porter <
> <>>
> Cc: <>
> Mike,
> If you are working with versioned entities, then an application transaction
> that spans
> multiple JTA transactions can still ensure repeatable read semantics for any
> updated
> entities. So can other OCC schemes such as "compare all columns" at update
> time.
> If you use non-versioned entities, then I would agree that you may be asking
> for trouble.
> This technique of using version (timestamp) or all-columns verification for
> updates
> has been very successful and well-proven in PowerBuilder for many years now.
> Perhaps you could elaborate on the kinds of inconsistency that you are
> concerned about
> that could crop up for versioned entities?
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 18:00
> To: Evan Ireland < <>>
> Cc: Jason Porter < <>>,
> <>
> The audit usecase was given, so let's take that as an example. Say the audit is being written to an entirely different
> database using JDBC, or even sent to a remote audit log system through JMS. At some intermediate phase the wizard causes
> some entitiy changes to an extended persistence context that is set to only flush MANUALly. In the same transaction the
> audit entry indicating the change to that entity gets sent off through a transactional JMS queue to the remote audit
> system. The JTA transaction commits (successfully) and the JMS message gets sent off. Further downstream of the wizard
> (after X more steps and Y more JTA transactions successfully committing) Joe user decides he doesn't really want to
> finish what he started so he hits the cancel button in the wizard, causing all of the changes in the persistence context
> to be discarded and not be flushed. The transactional no-no is that JTA transactions are being committed assuming that
> the entity changes have also been committed, but FlushMode.Maanual is delinquently ignoring the commit and assuming its
> own control over the persistent data, ignoring the real transaction scope in favour of its own aritificially created
> scope. Atomicity, consistency, durability -- all gone.
> ----------
> From: *Jason Porter* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 19:05
> To: "michael.keith_at_ORACLE.COM <mailto:michael.keith_at_ORACLE.COM>" <
> <>>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, "
> <>" < <>>
> I can understand your point Mike, though the idea (at least as I use it) of a MANUAL flush mode is my entity/entities
> being used in the wizard would never touch a persist until the full use case is complete. IOW there would be a bunch of
> POJO entities around in memory ready to be persisted, but wouldn't be persisted until told to.
> If I'm dealing with persisted entities that will be updated, then yes there is a risk of all the transaction goodness
> being thrown out the window, but like Evan was saying versioned entities, or compare all columns should take care of
> that. Might need to do a merge first, or similar operation to guarantee the data hasn't been changed since the initial find.
> The point I keep thinking about: is the spec and the impementation smarter than I am about when I want/need to persist
> to the database for my application? I would really question an answer of yes. Kind of like framework x saying it knows
> better than I do when to send something to a view layer.
> Sent from my iPhone
> ----------
> From: *Gavin King* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 19:12
> To: <>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, Jason Porter <
> <>>, <>
> I don't see how a "proper application transaction mechanism" would
> solve the problem you just described, unless you're planning on
> re-engineering JTA and JDBC.
> JDBC will commit any SQL you send it directly either immediately (in
> autocommit mode), or when the JDBC connection is committed. So
> assuming that you're not going to hold the JDBC transaction open
> across a user interaction (which is the whole point of the usecase)
> then any "proper application transaction mechanism" you can come up
> with is going to suffer from the problem that inserts/updates/deletes
> executed directly against the JDBC connection are going to be
> immediately executed. That's JDBC. If you want some other behavior,
> you're going to have to wrap JDBC in some other technology that
> implements write-behind.
> Of course, the solution to the problem is to simply *not* execute
> inserts/updates/deletes directly against JDBC until the end of the
> application transaction. You queue them until the end of the
> application transaction. It turns out that this is very easy to do
> with JDBC because JDBC is a very simple technology that doesn't do too
> many things automagically. The problem is that today it is NOT easy to
> do using JPA (due to automatic dirty checking and automatic flushing),
> and that is why people want FlushMode.MANUAL.
> I don't have any problem with disguising FlushMode.MANUAL as a "proper
> application transaction mechanism", but let's not deceive ourselves
> that there's any deep underlying difference there. It's the same
> thing, just characterized slightly differently from the user point of
> view.
> (That is, unless you want to re-engineer JTA/JDBC and build a JPA-ish
> notion of write-behind into these technologies. Which I imagine is
> pretty much not going to happen.)
> --
> Gavin King
> <>
> ----------
> From: *Gavin King* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 19:16
> To: Jason Porter < <>>
> Cc: "michael.keith_at_ORACLE.COM <mailto:michael.keith_at_ORACLE.COM>" <
> <>>, Evan Ireland < <>>,
> " <>" < <>>
> The thing is, a LOT of the time, JPA is smarter (or at least as smart)
> as you. But there simply are *enough( cases where the JPA "magic"
> (automatic dirty checking and automatic flushing) really do get in the
> way of people who know what they are trying to do, and today JPA
> offers no recourse for those people, other than "go off and work
> directly against JDBC". FlushMode.MANUAL would go a *long* way to
> giving you the extra control they need for the cases where JPA isn't
> smarter than you.
> ----------
> From: *Evan Ireland* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 19:21
> To: Gavin King < <>>,
> <>
> Cc: Jason Porter < <>>,
> <>
> I concur with this.
> Assuming any JMS operations might need to be executed (in Mike's example)
> one would expect they would also be deferred until the flush occurs. It
> doesn't make sense to me that someone would defer an entity update until
> flush, but not defer a JMS message send that is driven by the deferred
> update.
> ----------
> From: *Gavin King* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 19:25
> To: Evan Ireland < <>>
> Cc: <>, Jason Porter <
> <>>, <>
> Yeah, I wrote about JDBC, but I think the JMS case is even easier to
> see. The user is deliberately delaying their flush. I don't see why
> they would not also deliberately delay sending the message.
> And the same reasoning applies that a "proper application transaction
> mechanism" would not solve the problem unless you were able to build
> some kind of "delayed send" mechanism into JMS.
> ----------
> From: *Jason Porter* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 19:31
> To: Gavin King < <>>
> Cc: "michael.keith_at_ORACLE.COM <mailto:michael.keith_at_ORACLE.COM>" <
> <>>, Evan Ireland < <>>,
> " <>" < <>>
> Sure, a lot of the automagic that happens in JPA (like you said dirty checking, cascading persist / update, etc) is
> smarter than what I'd come up with on my own, but like you also said, it doesn't fit all the time, there very well may
> be, and certainly are, cases where it is not. As a user, I would like to be given the chair and enough rope to hang
> myself should I desire. Of course I also understand we want to protect users from doing so most of the time, but
> reverting back to JDBC really shouldn't be the final answer, IMO.
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 20:24
> To: Jason Porter < <>>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, "
> <>" < <>>
> Although the optimistic locking problem is certainly accentuated it will not cause problems in the database or in the
> transaction consistency. The problem is that the persistence context is pretending to be participating in the JTA
> transaction, but is not really doing so. It is enlisted, and listening for synchronization, but unless someone happens
> to have manually flushed the data contained in the PC that data will not be written out or be committed as part of the
> tx that it was changed in. This violates the rules of the tx resource contract and can cause tx inconsistency.
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 20:27
> To: Gavin King < <>>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, Jason Porter <
> <>>, <>
> An application transaction would solve it because it would provide correct application transaction semantics. This is
> not a new concept, and has been talked about in the past. As I mentioned, it could involve some additional features in
> JTA (e.g. a nested transaction feature) as well as some additional support from the EJB layer, but I wouldn't call it
> re-engineering. Well, I know that you don't have any problem with disguising FlushMode.MANUAL as an application
> transaction since that is what you have been doing :-). I claim that there is a very real difference, though, and
> described why in my last email. It simply does not exhibit application transaction semantics in conjunction with the the
> rest of the transactional resources on the server. They just aren't playing the same transactional game.
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 20:37
> To: Gavin King < <>>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, Jason Porter <
> <>>, <>
> That is essentially proposing that people should not even use the existing JTA transaction in the EJB where they are
> making the changes to the entities. They should all be aware that the JTA transaction is fake and they should queue up
> all of their operations to additional transactional resources (like JMS) until some magic application signal occurs, at
> which time they must let it all out. That isn't an application transaction, it's just a description of how someone is
> supposed to only partly use the existing JTA transactions, but not really use them because if they do then they will be
> hosed ;-).
> Maybe it comes down to what one's view of an EntityManager/persistence context is. If someone feels that it is an
> application structure then it might make sense to control whether it gets sent to the DB. However, I think it is more of
> an integrated framework with the system, if you don't want to write something out then don't keep it in the
> transactional persistence context (that is advertised as being integrated with JTA) when the transaction commits.
> ----------
> From: *Evan Ireland* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 20:44
> To: <>, Jason Porter <
> <>>
> Cc: <>
> Mike,
> Not writing data does not cause tx inconsistency. A read-only transaction
> for example doesn't write data, and that doesn't cause tx inconsistency.
> If we were to allow FlushMode.MANUAL, we would also need to stipulate that
> if you delete or update (via flush) a versioned object in one transaction
> that was loaded in a previous transaction, that an appropriate version check
> is done by the flushing transaction. That version check (if done properly)
> will ensure repeatable read semantics, just as if the data had been loaded
> in the current (flushing) transaction.
> You might want to point out an actual anomaly that would be possible in this
> case rather than claiming inconsistency without supporting evidence.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Keith [ <>]
> ----------
> From: *Emmanuel Bernard* < <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 01:54
> To: Evan Ireland < <>>
> Cc: Gavin King < <>>,
> <>, Jason Porter < <>>,
> <>
> Note that if we add a post flush event listener concept in JPA, we can indeed control when to release all these
> heterogeneous operations.
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 06:36
> To: Evan Ireland < <>>
> Cc: Jason Porter < <>>,
> <>
> Evan, I'm not sure why you keep bringing up entity versioning issues. There are no problems with entity versioning, and
> even though keeping them cached for longer before writing them out will increase the likelihood of getting an optlock
> exception our version checking will still work. I am not talking about data inconsistency, but transactional
> inconsistency or integrity due to the atomicity property being violated. I gave evidence in my previous email when I
> described a JMS message that got written and commmitted, but the persistence context writes were suppressed so data
> modified in the same transaction did not get committed.
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 07:18
> To: Jason Porter < <>>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, "
> <>" < <>>
> I just thought of another potential solution to this problem. Currently we generally require that container-managed
> persistence contexts be synchronized with the transaction. We allow regular transactional PCs, or PCs of the extended
> variety, but if we added a new option for non-synchronized PCs then all of this stuff could occur outside of the JTA
> transactions and then when the time comes the joinTransaction call could be used (there are already cases when it is
> required of C-M PCs) to register the PC with the transaction. This might solve the problem for everybody so that the
> objects stay managed, multiple JTA transactions may occur and transactional integrity is not compromised in any way
> because the EM is essentially non-transactional while it is non-synchronized.
> One could achieve this by doing something like the following:
> @PersistenceContext(type=NON___SYNCHRONIZED)
> EntityManager em;
> Anyway, my point is that I believe there are better ways to solve this problem (that clearly needs to be solved) and I
> am happy to include it on our list if other members of the group are as well.
> ----------
> From: *Jason Porter* < <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 07:53
> To: " <>" <
> <>>
> Cc: Evan Ireland < <>>, "
> <>" < <>>
> That sounds like a reasonable solution.
> Sent from my iPhone
> ----------
> From: *Emmanuel Bernard* < <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 09:35
> To: <>
> Cc: Jason Porter < <>>, Evan Ireland <
> <>>, " <>" <
> <>>
> If in the NON_SYNCHRONIZED semantic we also imply that flush must not occur then that could work. But from your wording
> it seems that only the Tx registerSync would be affected which unfortunately is not enough as the PC could decide to do
> early flushed and ruin the whole party.
> ----------
> From: *Gordon Yorke* < <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 09:50
> To: Emmanuel Bernard < <>>
> Cc: <>, Jason Porter <
> <>>, Evan Ireland < <>>,
> " <>" < <>>
> __
> This EntityManager would not be in a transaction so the current rules would apply (TransactionRequiredException).
> We would also want to follow the propagation rules of an Extended Persistence Context.
> --Gordon
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 07:00
> To: Emmanuel Bernard < <>>
> Cc: Jason Porter < <>>, Evan Ireland <
> <>>, " <>" <
> <>>
> Yes, that was the point. A manual flush mode could make sense in this new kind of persistence context.
> ----------
> From: *Mike Keith* < <>>
> Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 07:16
> To: Gordon Yorke < <>>
> Cc: Emmanuel Bernard < <>>, Jason Porter <
> <>>, Evan Ireland < <>>,
> " <>" < <>>
> __
> The TransactionRequiredException is conveniently defined to be thrown on a persistence context type of TRANSACTION, so
> operations like persist() will be fine on a NON_SYNCHRONIZED type. Agreed on the propagation.
> We can discuss the details, though, when the group starts up in earnest.
> --
> Jason Porter
> Software Engineer
> Open Source Advocate
> Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
> PGP key id: 926CCFF5
> PGP key available at: <>, <>