On 12/1/2011 8:37 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:
> On 11/30/2011 01:53 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>> On 11/30/2011 7:26 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>>> On 30 nov. 2011, at 00:48, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>> Just to be very clear.... What are you referring to by "container
>>>>>> level
>>>>>> method
>>>>>> invocation call"? The call to the entity manager proxy?
>>>>> Not the call to the entity manager proxy. I mean the code that is
>>>>> calling the entity manager proxy (e.g. a session bean
>>>>> calling the entity manager proxy.)
>>>>> Perhaps a clearer proposal could be:
>>>>> "
>>>>> If the entity manager is invoked outside the scope of a transaction,
>>>>> any entities loaded from the database will
>>>>> immediately become detached at the end of the container level method
>>>>> invocation call (e.g. when the session bean method
>>>>> ends).
>>>>> "
>>>> Ah, thanks. That is not the intended semantics. Rather it is that the
>>>> persistence context is created to service the method call that is made
>>>> on the entity manager only. It doesn't have the duration of a business
>>>> method invocation.
>>> Is it really?
>> Yes. See also section 3.8.7, which is quite explicit with regard to
>> queries.
>> BTW, these decisions date back to JPA 1.0 (aka EJB 3.0).
> My updated proposal for the 7.6.2 wording is:
> "
> If the entity manager is invoked outside the scope of a transaction, any entities loaded from the database will
> immediately become detached at the end of the entity manager method call.
> "
OK, sure + "... or query invocation"
> I was thinking more about the lazy associations problem. Is there room in the JPA 2.1 specification, to make an
> enhancement that improves what applications experience when the entity manager is invoked outside the scope of a
> transaction? I'm thinking that the container could have a way to give a hint to the persistence provider, that lazy
> fetching should not be used for the entity manager invocation. The advantage of this enhancement, is that applications
> will successfully be able to access the loaded entity(s) that currently fail (due to lazy fetching being used). I think
> that the application can also make changes to work around this (e.g. use FetchType.EAGER) but I would like the same
> (FetchType.LAZY) entity/association to work with both container/app managed entity managers (that don't run in a JTA
> transaction).
> Perhaps this could be a (new) standard property that the container could pass to
> EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(Map) that suggests that lazy fetching should be disabled. Or something more
> generic that covers other possible problems. e.g. some hint like "javax.persistence.auto-detach" that lets the provider
> know that loaded entities will be detached (so the provider can avoid using lazy fetching).
>>> I have to admit I am amongst people that read this as bound to the
>>> duration of the business method call. The main problem with this
>>> approach is that many em.find() calls are essentially useless as they
>>> would not load (lazy) associations.
>>> Upon detachment, the provider then raises a NotLoadedException of some
>>> sort. The only way to work around that is to write a query with the
>>> specific fetch pattern that ought to be used.
>>> If entities are detached after the business call, the user can
>>> navigate and use PersistenceUtil contracts to load the appropriate
>>> part of the graph before ending the method.
>>> Note that for a PC that detaches entities upon EM method calls,
>>> Hibernate has a specific API with specialized contracts to tailor that
>>> kind of use case. I don't think our existing EM API is necessarily
>>> well suited for that per se.
>>> Emmanuel