I'm afraid you're scratching a big itch not only of JPA.
Especially the TCK (unlike CDI, JCache, JavaMoney, Portlet or Unit JSRs) is
not Open Source at all including some of the very latest (new) JSRs like
MVC or Security 1.0.
Unlike Java Batch (or JPA in your case), Pivotal has not joined the EG of
either, so hard to say, if it plans to leverage them where final.
Of course there are many in the community, that would rather develop TCKs
in the open, but it seems the Spec Lead(s) mostly at Oracle in these cases
are reluctant or unable to meet this demand.
Werner Keil | JCP Executive Committee Member, JSR 363 Co Spec Lead |
Eclipse UOMo Lead, Babel Language Champion | Apache Committer
Twitter @wernerkeil | @UnitAPI | @JSR354 | @AgoravaProj | @DeviceMap
| #DevOps | #EclipseUOMo
Skype werner.keil | Google+ gplus.to/wernerkeil
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Oliver Gierke <ogierke_at_pivotal.io> wrote:
> Hi all,
> given the recent announcement of the sunset of java.net I was wondering
> where the spec leads plan to migrate the bug tracker? Are we going full
> GitHub (including specification sources, TCK etc.) just like other
> specifications (e.g. CDI) have been for quite some time?
> Cheers,
> Ollie
> --
> /**
> * @author Oliver Gierke - Senior Software Engineer
> *
> * @param email ogierke_at_pivotal.io
> * @param phone +49-151-50465477
> * @param fax +49-351-418898439
> * @param skype einsdreizehn
> * @see http://www.olivergierke.de
> */