In the javadocs, we see:
"... element collections and relationships owned by the entity that are contained in join tables will be locked ..."
Did we specify what it means to lock an element collection or relationship, if other than locking the individual entity instances that those collections/relationships refer to?
Or do some folks interpret this locking to include anti-insert, anti-delete locking?
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda DeMichiel []
Sent: Thursday, 11 July 2013 7:50 a.m.
Subject: [jsr338-experts] Re: locks and fetch graphs / eager fetching
Hi Christian,
On 7/10/2013 12:55 AM, Christian von Kutzleben wrote:
> Dear group,
> In our understanding EntityManager.lock() only applies the lock to the specified entity and
> also during lazy loading triggered by object navigation locks won't get propagated.
Yes. However, the javax.persistence.lock.scope property may be used to extend the locking
to element collections and owned relationships in join tables.
> But if a user specifies a lock-mode in the find or refresh method or for a query,
> is this lock-mode supposed to be applied to all objects fetched* along because
> of FetchType.EAGER or a configured fetch graph as well?
> *fetched, or would be fetched if not already in context
No (however, again the lock.scope property may be applied to the entity that is the target
of the operation).
> Thank you!
> Christian
> --
> *Christian von Kutzleben*
> Chief Software Engineer
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