
[jsr338-experts] Re: JPA schema generation

From: Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer <kwesi_at_sap.com>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 14:54:04 +0200

Hi Linda, all,

Linda DeMichiel, am 21 May 2012 hast Du um 11:44 zum Thema "[jsr338-
experts] Re: JPA schema gen" geschrieben :

> Do any of the rest of you have any feedback on this? If so, please
> send it now.
> thanks,
> -Linda
> On 5/15/2012 10:57 AM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:

> >> ddl-execution-mode: Used when executing directly against the database,
> >> rather than generating scripts. Options should include:
> >> Do we also need to distinguish CREATE_SCHEMAS_AND_TABLES ? DROP_SCHEMA ?
> >> Or can these be implicit?
> >> Do we also need an ALTER_TABLES capability here?

Actually, I think we do. Once applications have delivered their first
release, they soon face the issue of having to extend the database
scheme they are using. Then they realise that drop and create is not
really what they want to. An alter table mode preserving existing data
would therefore be considered extremely helpful.

This however raises the question of a table life cycle and its
management. A comparatively elementary solution could be based on
comparison with either a previously provided DDL script or the database

In productive environments a chain

Automatically generate DDL scripts -> manually revise them -> have them

would be desirable.

Best regards

Rainer Schweigkoffer               SAP AG Walldorf
Java Persistence                   TIP Core JI
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