
[jsr338-experts] Re: Standardization of additional persistence.xml properties

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 22:10:05 +0200

Hi Rainer,

I do not know any of serious applications which are deployed into production without staging. So at the end every application is at least 3 times tested until it moves to production...
I would never allow an ORM tool to change my schema in directly production. DDL-generation is a very useful feature for development / testing. Right now it has to be configured in proprietary way.

I like Emanuel's idea of ddl generation.

Because openJPA, Hibernate, EclipseLink, JPOX and probably others already come with create, drop, drop-and-create DDL functionality. Why not standardize this property?

Just because it could cause trouble in production? (as actually everything else :-))



On 01.07.2011, at 17:37, Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer wrote:

> Hi Adam, all,
> Adam Bien, am 30 Jun 2011 hast Du um 11:50 zum Thema "[jsr338-experts] Standardization of additional pe" geschrieben :
>> Hi all,
>> proposal for standardization of table generation strategy:
>> <property name="javax.persistence.table-generation-strategy" value="CREATE | DROP-AND-CREATE | MIGRATION | NONE /> Default should be NONE.
>> I would like to propose MIGRATION as an optional parameter. In this case the JPA provider is expected to alter the tables, instead of drop and recreate them,
>> any thoughts?
> this sounds like a feature that might be very helpful to application
> developers, but also pretty complex to implement and not so easy to
> standardise, imho.
> It depends, of course, on what scenarios you are having in mind to be
> supported.
> There could be developers gradually developing and deploying an
> application, who would like to see their test data to be kept over
> their deployments.
> One could imagine an application vendor delivering an application and
> later updates of this application to their customers, who want the
> customer data to survive the updates. Table changes during development
> of those updates could alreay have accumulated to something quite
> intricate.
> However, a specific customer could have modified their installation of
> the application, and the update of the application could run into
> conflicts with the customer's modification.
> Even if you intend to support simple changes only, there might be,
> depending on the underlying database platform, alterations of a table
> that may be performed as catalog operations or in place by the database
> rather quickly, others that trigger an implicit table data conversion
> on the database server, which, based on the amount of data, might not
> return before hours or even days, and finally those that cannot be done
> by the dbms and that would force the jpa provider to either give up or
> implement some kind of table data conversion on their side.
> Probably, rather than having the jpa provider figure out how to alter
> the database objects, you would end up with some way allowing the
> application developer to specify what modifications should be applied
> to the tables and other structures on the database, like it is
> apparently the case with the Active Record feature you have been
> pointing us to.
> So far my Euro 0.02.
> Best regards
> Rainer
> ---
> Rainer Schweigkoffer SAP AG Walldorf
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