Hello Michael,
The question become what is an invalid downcast? In the below example
it is Employee.project that is being downcast and both sub-expressions
apply an applicable downcast. If one of the downcasts was to a class
that was not a sub-class of Employee.project's type then that would be
an invalid downcast and should result in an exception.
During evaluation of the restriction (say 'TREAT(p AS
SmallProject).name LIKE "Persist%" ') if the type is not SmallProject or
one of its sub-classes) then the restriction should evaluate to false
but the downcast in this case is not invalid.
Michael Bouschen wrote:
> Hi Linda, hi all,
> I would like to second what Matthew replied: an invalid downcast
> should cause the query condition to evaluate to false.
> Otherwise the example Linda gave in her initial mail will result in an
> exception in any case:
> SELECT e FROM Employee JOIN e.projects p
> WHERE TREAT(p AS LargeProject).budget > 1000 OR
> TREAT(p AS SmallProject).name LIKE "Persist%" OR ...
> For LargeProject instances the second TREAT expression will cause the
> query to fail with an exception, where for SmallProject instances it
> is the first TREAT expression causing the exception.
> Regards Michael
>> Responses inline...
>>> SQL supports this via the TREAT ... AS operator:
>>> TREAT (expression AS datatype)
>>> where datatype is a subtype of the static type of the expression.
>> ok
>>> An open issue however is the handling of the case where the
>>> instance passed to TREAT is not of the same type or a subtype of the
>>> specified datatype.
>>> Databases seem to differ as to whether the result should be null or
>>> whether an error is raised. We need to decide this as well.
>> It seems appropriate to me that in the event that the downcast is
>> invalid, it should cause all query conditions involving the identifier
>> that is being downcast to evaluate to false. I don't think an error
>> should be raised. This would also prevent our having to worry about
>> attempting to return results whose specification includes instances or
>> reachable properties of instances of the downcast type (as in your
>> first example).
>>> The Criteria API already provides the Expression method
>>> <X> Expression<X> as(Class<X> type);
>> Same semantics as the string query form, IMHO.
>> -matthew
> --
> *Michael Bouschen*
> *Prokurist*
> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH
> Bülowstr. 66, D-10783 Berlin
> Fon: +49 30 235 520-33
> Fax: +49 30 217 520-12
> Email: michael.bouschen_at_akquinet.de
> Url: www.akquinet.de <http://www.akquinet.de>
> akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH, Berlin
> Geschäftsführung: Martin Weber, Prof. Dr. Christian Roth
> Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 86780 B
> USt.-Id. Nr.: DE 225 964 680