RE: how to specify multiple ConnectionURLs?

From: Frank Kieviet <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:11:56 -0700

Hi Ted,

I'm glad to hear that it is working. And thanks for sharing your solution
with the community! I'm wondering though why you had to emulate XA. Did
JBoss not have any xa connection factories registered in its JNDI?

One thing that has become clear from our email conversation is that the
documentation needs to be improved.

If JBoss HA JMS is a popular implementation, we should extend the rajboss
connector so that all the magic with JNDI is not necessary.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 15:04
> To:
> Subject: RE: how to specify multiple ConnectionURLs?
> It looks like I got things working! Thanks for all your help, Frank. I
> could not have done it without you.
> In case anyone else is reading this on the list, here are the changes I
> had to make to the example values in the RAJNDI page:
> java.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
> java.naming.provider.url=jnp://localhost:1099
> JMSJCA.TopicCF=TopicConnectionFactory
> JMSJCA.QueueCF=QueueConnectionFactory
> JMSJCA.UnifiedCF=ConnectionFactory
> JMSJCA.NoXA=true
> The tricky one was setting JMSJCA.NoXA to true. I had to work through the
> code upwards from the exception to determine where the XA vs non-XA
> decision was made, and I was able to find the property JMSJCA.NoXA.
> To support two provider URLs (for redundancy), I did what you suggested
> and changed the separator to a vertical bar, then used a comma to separate
> the two URLs. It worked like a champ.
> Thanks for clarifying that jndi:// goes into the ConnectionURL property.
> This didn't make intuitive sense and I'm glad you confirmed it. To be
> honest, it's still a bit fuzzy to me why I'm using the RAJNDI and not
> RAJBoss adapter, but since it works, I'm not complaining. Actually, the
> entire concept of needing a resource adapter for JNDI doesn't make sense
> to me, since typically one thinks of having an adapter per JMS provider.
> Thanks again!
> Ted
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Frank Kieviet <>
> >Sent: Apr 8, 2008 4:58 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: how to specify multiple ConnectionURLs?
> >
> >Hi Ted,
> >
> >Sorry for my tardy reply. See responses inline.
> >
> >Frank
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: []
> >> Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 15:04
> >> To:
> >> Subject: RE: how to specify multiple ConnectionURLs?
> >>
> >> Hi Frank -
> >>
> >> Thanks for the feedback. I have to admit I'm having some difficulty.
> >>
> >> >The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the raunifiedjms
> connector.
> >>
> >> Great, I was able to build the code snapshot from CVS and generated a
> >> raunifiedjms.rar file. I was also able to successfully deploy this to
> >> Glassfish.
> >>
> >> >For the URL you would specify jndi:// and you would set an additional
> >> field
> >> Options that has all the JNDI properties.
> >>
> >> OK, I did this as well. But I'm getting the following exception from
> >> Glassfish:
> >>
> >> javax.jms.JMSException: The JNDI name is null at
> >>
> >> java:100)
> >> at
> >>
> >>
> >[fkieviet] I suspect that you did not set the properties
> >JMSJCA.TopicCF=...
> >JMSJCA.QueueCF=...
> >JMSJCA.UnifiedCF=...
> >The values should point to the JNDI names of the connection factories, as
> >described here:
> ><*checkout*/jmsjca/jmsjca/jndi/
> src
> >/userdoc/rajndi-readme.html>
> >
> >
> >>
> >> It seems that when I set java.naming.provider.url to
> jnp://localhost:1099
> >> in the Options field, the value is not used for the JNDI lookup.
> >>
> >> I'm actually trying to get the new resource adapter to work with only a
> >> single URL for now. I also tried setting the ConnectionURL to
> >> jnp://localhost:1099 like I did for JMSJCA but that didn't work either.
> >[fkieviet] Yes, that's expected: only the jboss:// url is recognized, not
> >the jnp:// url. See
> ><*checkout*/jmsjca/jmsjca/unifi
> edj
> >ms/src/userdoc/raunifiedjms-readme.html> for a table of recognized
> prefixes.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Also, I'm not sure it makese sense to me to set the ConnectionURL to
> >> jndi://, which of course is blank.
> >[fkieviet] That actually is correct: by specifying jndi:// as the URL,
> the
> >raunifiedjms will instantiate the rajndi connector which in turn will
> look
> >at the options field to do its work.
> >
> >Feel free to give me a call if you think that would help: 626-471-6322.
> I'm
> >in the PDT timezone.
> >
> >>
> >> Any ideas?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Ted
> >>
> >>
> >>
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