[jms-spec users] [jsr368-experts] Re: svn -> git (GitHub)

From: Chris Barrow <>
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 10:40:04 -0800

Hi Ivar,

Great idea. My github username is cmebarrow. Please add me.


On 2/29/2016 4:06 AM, Ivar Grimstad wrote:
> Hi all,
> What do you think of using this unfortunate "quiet period" to move
> from Subversion to Git?
> The way the <> svn repo is organized does not
> allow for easy migration to Git, but here is a suggestion that should
> be feasible:
> * Migrate the jms2.1 folder to a new Git repository as the master
> branch.
> * Migrate the www folder to a new Git repository (separate from the
> above)
> * Keep the rest in the Subversion repo as is
> Why GitHub and not <>?
> * GitHub offers better support for collaboration and pull requests
> * I don't have access to create repositories on
> <>
> * The future of <> is uncertain (rumor has
> it...)
> * When and if we have a <> Git repo, we can
> move everything there, treat as master and use the GitHub repo as
> a mirror.
> Any objections? Or suggestions otherwise?
> I will be happy to fix this and for the purpose I have created a
> GitHub group/organization:
> (we have done the same thing with JSR 371 and JSR 375)
> I will add all of you to this group if I can find your github user.
> Please email me your username if you don't get an invitation.
> Ivar