[jms-spec users] [jsr368-experts] Re: JMS 2.0 Errata: JMS_SPEC-158 (JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to Connection.stop and close and Session.close)

From: Chris Barrow <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 10:04:50 -0800

Hi Nigel,

 From one of your previous emails:
> However there is one reason why we might want to keep the simplified
> API consistent with the classic API, and allow stop and close to be
> called in all cases. This is if we decided that it is actually better
> to allow stop and close to be called than throw an exception (i.e.
> requiring an exception was a mistake).
I am strongly in favor of this approach, for several reasons: first,
consistency is always better; second, the ability to call stop and close
from within a message listener is a useful feature for flow control
purposes, as Matthew pointed out, or to allow remote control of an
application. Then for 2.1 we can remove the option to throw an exception.


On 12/19/2014 11:06 AM, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> I've now drafted the necessary spec and API changes for this issue
> (the changes I circulated earlier were incomplete).
> You can read a nicely-formatted version (and a summary of the problem
> and the proposed approach) at
> Once again these changes apply to the classic API but not to the
> simplified API since new methods don't have an issue with
> compatibility. I'd welcome comments on whether you think it would be a
> good idea to extend these changes to the simplified API as well.
> Proposed changes
> Changes to A.1.19 Clarification: use of stop or close from a message
> listener (JMS_SPEC-48)
> Existing text
> If a MessageListener’s onMessage method calls stop or close on its
> own
> Connection, close on its own Session, or stop or close on its own
> JMSContext,
> then the the JMS provider must throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> Replacement text
> In the simplified API, if a MessageListener’s onMessage method
> calls stop or
> close on its own JMSContext, then the the JMS provider must throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> In the classic and domain-specific APIs, if a MessageListener’s
> onMessage
> method calls stop or close on its own Connection or close on its
> own Session,
> then the stop or close method will either fail and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException, or it will succeed and close the
> connection.
> Changes to Section 6.1.5 “Pausing delivery of incoming messages”
> Existing text
> A message listener must not attempt to stop its own connection as
> this would
> lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must detect this and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> Replacement text
> In the simplified API, if the stop method is called from a message
> listener
> on its own JMSContext then it must throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> In the classic and domain-specific APIs, if the stop method is
> called from a
> message listener on its own Connection then it will either fail
> and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException or it will succeed and stop the
> connection,
> blocking until all other message listeners that may have been
> running have
> returned.
> Since two alternative behaviors are permitted in this case,
> applications
> using the classic and domain-specific APIs should avoid calling
> stop from
> a message listener on its own Connection because this is not
> portable.
> Changed to Section 6.1.8 “Closing a connection”
> Existing text
> A message listener must not attempt to close its own connection as
> this would
> lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must detect this and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> Replacement text
> In the simplified API, if the close method is called from a
> message listener
> on its own JMSContext then it must throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> In the classic and domain-specific APIs, if the close method is
> called from a
> message listener on its own Connection then it will either fail
> and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException or it will succeed and close the
> connection,
> blocking until all other message listeners that may have been
> running have
> returned, and all pending receive calls have completed. If close
> succeeds and
> the acknowledge mode of the session is set to AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE,
> the current
> message will still be acknowledged automatically when the
> onMessage() call
> completes.
> Since two alternative behaviors are permitted in this case,
> applications
> using the classic and domain-specific APIs should avoid calling
> close from
> a message listener on its own Connection because this is not
> portable.
> Changes to Section 6.2.15 “Closing a session”
> Existing text
> A message listener must not attempt to close its own session as
> this would
> lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must detect this and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException
> Replacement text
> In the simplified API, if the close method is called from a
> message listener
> on its own JMSContext then it must throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException.
> In the classic and domain-specific APIs, if the close method is
> called from a
> message listener on its own Session then it will either fail and
> throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException or it will succeed and close the
> Session,
> blocking until any pending receive call in progress has completed.
> If close
> succeeds and the acknowledge mode of the session is set to
> the current message will still be acknowledged automatically when the
> onMessage() call completes.
> Since two alternative behaviors are permitted in this case,
> applications
> using the classic and domain-specific APIs should avoid calling
> close from
> a message listener on its own Session because this is not portable.
> Changes to the javadocs for javax/jms/Connection.html#close():
> Existing text:
> When this method is invoked, it should not return until message
> processing has been shut down in an orderly fashion. This means
> that all
> message listeners that may have been running have returned, and
> that all
> pending receives have returned.
> Replacement text:
> When this method is invoked, it should not return until message
> processing has been shut down in an orderly fashion. This means
> that all
> message listeners that may have been running have returned, and
> that all
> pending receives have returned.
> However if the close method is called from a message listener on
> its own
> connection, then it will either fail and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException, or it will succeed and close the
> connection,
> blocking until all other message listeners that may have been
> running have
> returned, and all pending receive calls have completed. If close
> succeeds and
> the acknowledge mode of the session is set to AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE,
> the current
> message will still be acknowledged automatically when the
> onMessage() call
> completes.
> Since two alternative behaviors are permitted in this case,
> applications
> should avoid calling close from a message listener on its own
> connection because this is not portable.
> Existing text:
> A message listener must not attempt to close its own connection as
> this
> would lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must detect this and throw a
> IllegalStateException.
> Replacement text:
> [Delete this text]
> Changes to the javadocs for javax/jms/Connection.html#stop():
> Existing text:
> This call blocks until receives and/or message listeners in
> progress have
> completed.
> Replacement text:
> [Delete this text]
> Existing text:
> A call to stop must not return until delivery of messages
> has paused. This means that a client can rely on the fact that
> none of
> its message listeners will be called and that all threads of control
> waiting for receive calls to return will not return with a
> message until the connection is restarted. The receive timers for a
> stopped connection continue to advance, so receives may time out
> while
> the connection is stopped.
> If message listeners are running when stop is invoked, the
> stop call must wait until all of them have returned before
> it may return. While these message listeners are completing, they
> must
> have the full services of the connection available to them.
> A message listener must not attempt to stop its own connection as
> this
> would lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must detect this and throw a
> IllegalStateException.
> Replacement text:
> This call blocks until receives and/or message listeners in
> progress have
> completed. A call to stop must not return until delivery of messages
> has paused. This means that a client can rely on the fact that
> none of
> its message listeners will be called and that all threads of control
> waiting for code calls to return will not return with a
> message until the connection is restarted. The receive timers for a
> stopped connection continue to advance, so receives may time out
> while
> the connection is stopped.
> However if the stop method is called from a message listener on
> its own
> connection, then it will either fail and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException, or it will succeed and stop the
> connection,
> blocking until all other message listeners that may have been
> running have
> returned.
> Since two alternative behaviors are permitted in this case,
> applications
> should avoid calling stop from a message listener on its own
> Connection because this is not portable.
> Changes to the javadocs for javax/jms/Session.html#close()
> Existing text:
> This call will block until a receive call or message listener in
> progress has completed.
> Replacement text:
> This call will block until a receive call or message listener in
> progress has completed.
> However if the close method is called from a message listener on
> its own
> Session, then it will either fail and throw a
> javax.jms.IllegalStateException,
> or it will succeed and close the session, blocking until any
> pending receive
> call in progress has completed. If close succeeds and the
> acknowledge mode
> of the session is set to AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, the current message
> will still
> be acknowledged automatically when the onMessage call completes.
> Since two alternative behaviors are permitted in this case,
> applications
> should avoid calling close from a message listener on its own
> Session because this is not portable.
> Existing text:
> A MessageListener must not attempt to close its own
> Session> as this would lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must
> detect this and throw a IllegalStateException.
> Replacement text:
> [Delete this text]