[jms-spec users] [jsr368-experts] Re: JMS 2.0 errata: final request for comments

From: Werner Keil <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:34:49 +0100

Looks OK to me as well.

One question about

It is proposed that the javadoc for the Connection object’s three
createSession methods be changed to make it consistent with the Java EE 6
specification and with JMS 2.0 section 12.2.

Why does this refer to Java EE 6? Is this an aspect that has not changed
with Java EE 7 since then?


Werner Keil | JCP Executive Committee Member, JSR 363 Co Spec Lead |
Eclipse UOMo Lead, Babel Language Champion | Apache Committer | Advisory
Board Member, DWX '15

Twitter @wernerkeil | @UnitAPI | @JSR354 | @AgoravaProj | @DeviceMap |
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Skype werner.keil | Google+

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Matthew White <> wrote:

> Happy with the updates.
> When might the JMS2.0 errata version be available for the partners?
> Regards,
> *Matthew B. White *
> Architect: IBM MQ JMS, Connectivity & Integration
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> *"The wrong answers are the ones you go looking for when the right
> answers stare you in the face."*
> From: Nigel Deakin <>
> To:
> Date: 22/12/2014 12:21
> Subject: [jms-spec users] [jsr368-experts] JMS 2.0 errata: final
> request for comments
> ------------------------------
> The text of each proposed change for the JMS 2.0 errata has now all been
> formally recorded in JIRA and (except for some
> trivial typos) circulated to this email list.
> I've updated the list of issues on JMS 2.0 errata wiki page:
> with
> links to the text of each proposed change.
> I originally planned to submit these changes to the JCP on 19th December
> but to give a final opportunity for comments I
> have deferred this by three weeks until Friday 9th January. Here, then, is
> a final invitation to make comments on the
> proposed changes.
> I've updated the "proposed timescales" table at
> to reflect the revised plan.
> Just to repeat what I've said earlier: the significant changes are
> JMS_SPEC-125 Define whether a JMS provider should call reset after sending
> a BytesMessage asynchronously
> JMS_SPEC-155 JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to
> createSession(bool,int)
> JMS_SPEC-157 JMS 2.0 introduced an incompatible restriction on creating
> two sessions per connection in Java EE
> JMS_SPEC-158 JMS 2.0 introduced incompatible changes to Connection.stop
> and close and Session.close
> In the latter three cases, I'm proposing to make changes to the classic
> API only and leave the simplified API unchanged.
> If you have views on this (especially for JMS_SPEC-158) please say so.
> Nigel
> Unless stated otherwise above:
> IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number
> 741598.
> Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

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