[jms-spec users] Re: JMS 2.1 (JSR 368) expert group

From: Clebert Suconic <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2014 15:43:10 -0400

that's very weird... you can't be logged in to submit the form. log out
from the main website and then submit the form. then it will work.

Funny! not well developed but that's the way it is.

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 3:17 PM, Clebert Suconic <>

> I'm having some weird technical difficulties with the web site.
> I have filled my user id (which I believe is a JCP member, associated with
> RedHat), and I have filled my BIO and everything.. and I keep getting
> user/password error. I'm quite sure I have the right user/password (as I
> just logged it into somewhere else).
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Nigel Deakin <>
> wrote:
>> Just a reminder that I'm currently inviting applications to join the new
>> JMS 2.1 (JSR 368) expert group. Once again, if you'd like to be actively
>> involved in the development of JMS 2.1 then please submit an application
>> to join the new expert group. The direct link is
>> . Remember that members of the JSR
>> 343 expert group aren't automatically transferred to the new group and so
>> will need to make a new application.
>> If you're not sure what membership of the expert group involves, or if
>> you aren't sure whether you count as an "expert" then you're welcome to
>> contact me directly and we can have a chat.
>> The application process is described in more detail in
>> In accordance with the transparency requirements of version 2.9 of the
>> Java Community Process, I am maintaining a public list of expert group
>> applications which may be viewed at
>> spec/pages/JSR368EGNominations
>> Note that members of the wider JMS community who are subscribed to
>> don't need to do anything. This alias will be
>> used for the new JSR.
>> Nigel
> --
> Clebert Suconic

Clebert Suconic