[jms-spec users] Re: [ejb-spec users] [jsr345-experts] JMS 2.0 session creation in MDB lifecycle callback

From: Clebert Suconic <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:43:24 -0400

for any time you don't specify a transaction I would suggest Auto-ACK
maybe? I don't believe where is it now.. but I believe there's some javadoc
specifying that.. right?

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Nigel Deakin <>wrote:

> On 22/08/2013 13:37, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Given the change in JMS 2.0 to ignore the transacted argument in
>> createSession, plus the fact that a lifecycle callback
>> of a MDB runs in an unspecified transaction context (3.2 FR 5.4.6).
>> I think the delivery of message in the following MDB [1] becomes
>> non-deterministic. (Especially considering a rollback
>> scenario.)
>> Is this the case, and if so, do we want to address it?
> I think you're referring to the case where, in a Java EE EJB application,
> you create a javax.jms.Session when there is no transaction and then use it
> to send a message when there is a current transaction.
> The behaviour in this case was not defined in JMS 1.1, and it remains
> undefined in JMS 2.0.
> What behaviour would you like to see here?
> Nigel

Clebert Suconic