[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: TCK Issue - com.sun.ts.tests.jms.core20.jmsproducerqueuetests.Client.msgPropertiesTest

From: Clebert Suconic <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:22:12 +0100

Oh... I see.. now I remember that part... sorry for the mess up.. I forgot
about the valueOf...

Thanks a lot

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Nigel Deakin <>wrote:

> Clebert,
> On 25/07/2013 00:26, Clebert Suconic wrote:
> Accordingly to the Javadoc, getByteProperty("name") was supposed to throw
> two exceptions (i), However the test is asserting for a different
> exception. It seems a mistake on the test to me. How should we raise issues
> on the TCK?
> (i):
> Throws:
> JMSRuntimeException - if the JMS provider fails to get the property
> value due to some internal error. MessageFormatRuntimeException - if this
> type conversion is invalid.
> (ii):
> try {
> byte value = producer.getByteProperty("TESTDUMMY");
> logMsg("Fail: NumberFormatException should have occurred
> for getByteProperty");
> pass = false;
> } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException np) {
> logMsg("Pass: NumberFormatException as expected ");
> }
> The formal answer to your question is that you should raise issues with
> the TCK to the Oracle Java Partner Engineering team from whom you obtained
> the TCK. But I'm happy to forward queries.
> In this case I think the test is correct. This test relates to
> JMSProducer#getByteProperty
> The methods on JMSProducer to set and get message properties are provided
> as a convenient way to set and get properties of the Message object that
> will be sent. For this reason the methods on JMSProducer are deliberate
> copies of the corresponding methods on Message, with the same method
> names, parameters and return types (apart from in one case). The
> exceptions thrown are the same, though in line with the rest of the
> simplified API, JMSRuntimeException and its subtypes are used instead of
> JMSException.
> I therefore think we need to refer to the corresponding method on Message,
> The exceptions this defines for Message.getByteProperty are identical to
> those on JMSProducer#getByteProperty apart from the use of checked rather
> than unchecked exceptions.
> However this isn't the complete definition of the exceptions that are
> thrown by Message.getByteProperty. The API doc for the Message object
> also states (in a long section discussing the conversion of message
> properties between different types):
> *Getting a property value for a name which has not been set returns a
> null value. Only the **getStringProperty** and **getObjectProperty**methods can return a null value. Attempting to read a null value as a
> primitive type must be treated as calling the primitive's corresponding **
> valueOf(String)** conversion method with a null value.*
> For this reason, calling Message#getByteProperty for a name which has not
> been set throws the same exception as
> Byte.valueOf((String)null).byteValue();
> Which is a java.lang.NumberFormatException. There is a JMS 1.1 TCK test
> which ensures this.
> Now I'm aware that the API docs for JMSProducer don't explicitly state
> that the rules for converting message properties between different types
> are the same on JMSProducer as for Message, but that's definitely the
> intent, for that that reason I think that calling
> JMSProducer#getByteProperty for a name which has not been set, thereby
> generating a null property which cannot be converted, should throw the
> same exception.
> Nigel

Clebert Suconic