My same question also applies to everything else... such as
setExceptionListener, getMetaData(), etc...
Should the state be shared with multiple JMSContexts or each context should
be totally independent?
We have talked about this before, but I don't see any wording on how this
sharing of the state should be done.
since this is using the building pattern I would expect a
jmsContext.createContext() would be sharing the same data.... again.. I
just want to check if that's everybody's interpretation...
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Clebert Suconic
> say you created a JMSContext, and used setClientID....
> JMSContext ctx = ...
> ctx.setClientID("someID");
> Say, if later we call:
> JMSContext ctx2 = ctx.createJMSContext();
> What would be the expected value of ctx2.getClientID() ?
> I'm assuming there will be some connection reused by the JMSContext and
> ctx.createJMSContext() would reuse the internal connection as we talked
> earlier. I'm just double checking if this is everybody's expectations...?
> Clebert
Clebert Suconic