On 19/10/2012 10:38, Oleg Tsal-Tsalko wrote:
> Hi Nigel,
> Thnx a lot for your answers. It is really helpful.
> You said:
> /periodically, builds of Open Message Queue are incorporated into GlassFish/
> Does it mean just dependencies and libs used by GF build itself?
> I found:
> <dependency>
> <groupId>org.glassfish.mq <http://org.glassfish.mq></groupId>
> <artifactId>mq-distribution</artifactId>
> <version>${mq.version}</version>
> </dependency>
> It is probably exactly dependency to MQ distribution?
I think so. By "/builds of Open Message Queue are incorporated into GlassFish" /I really mean that a build of Open MQ is
uploaded to the maven repository so that it will be used by the next GlassFish build.
> Also it seams MQ broker itself embedded into GF and starts up together with GF, cause in your demo project you are using:
> <property>
> <name>addressList</name>
> <value>mq://localhost:7676</value>
> </property>
> It means someone is listening on 7676 port... Is it correct?
For the benefit of other readers, you've spotted this entry in web.xml:
<description>ConnectionFactory to use in demonstration</description>
This is a demonstration of the new Java EE 7 resource configuration feature. This demonstrates how to set the
(MQ-specific) connection factory property addressList to mq://localhost:7676, which is the port on which the JMS broker
This XML allows the deployer to add deployment-specific properties to the connection factory definition which is defined
by the programmer in the servlet code using annotation:
className= "javax.jms.ConnectionFactory",
description="ConnectionFactory to use in demonstration"
Strictly speaking, the addressList property is not used if the MQ broker is running in the same JVM as the GlassFish
server, and you're not using application server clustering. Direct Java API calls will be used instead of TCP to connect
to the MQ broker. So you can remove addressList and it would still work. Remember this is just intended to be a
> And finally i found some documentation here <http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19587-01/821-0028/index.html> about GlassFish
> Message Queue 4.4. Is it exactly MQ broker we are talking about?
That's essentially the same product, but that's for a fairly old (pre-Oracle) version of the commercial edition. The
best place to go for documentation is
http://glassfish.java.net/docs/index.html , which contains the docs for GlassFish
and Open Message Queue in one place.
Those are the docs for Glassfish 3.1.2, which is the latest complete version. The docs for GlassFish 4 haven't been
written yet, but the 3.1.2 docs should be adequate for everything except the JMS 2.0-specific aspects.
> Thank you,
> Oleg
> 2012/10/18 Nigel Deakin <nigel.deakin_at_oracle.com <mailto:nigel.deakin_at_oracle.com>>
> Oleg,
> On 18/10/2012 13:55, Oleg Tsal-Tsalko wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm member of LJC community. Just joined java.net <http://java.net> <http://java.net> JMS2.0 community several
> days ago.
> Welcome! This email alias is exactly the right place to ask questions or make suggestions about JMS 2.0 and its
> Reference Implementation (RI).
> Depending on what the question is, you may also find the Open Message Queue and GlassFish user aliases useful:
> users_at_mq.java.net <mailto:users_at_mq.java.net> or users_at_glassfish.java.net <mailto:users_at_glassfish.java.net>.
> Now playing with JMS20Demo project, but can't understand full picture of jms2.0 spec adoption process into GF.
> As I understood OpenMQ 5.0 is a reference implementation for JMS2.0 spec.
> Yes. At Oracle we're developing all the new JMS 2.0 features in the Open Message Queue and GlassFish projects.
> Strictly speaking the RI itself will be a stripped-down version of Open Message Queue intended only to pass the
> compliance tests, and released under a specific RI licence (linked from http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=343).
> It is likely that you will be more interested in the normal versions of Open Message Queue and GlassFish, released
> under the same open source licences as now. Early builds of these are already available for download. If you want
> to try out JMS 2.0 in an application server, download GlassFish 4.0. If you're only interested in using JMS 2.0 in
> Java SE, download Open Message Queue. It's essentially the same thing.
> > Found .zip archive with sources
> http://mq.java.net/5.0.html. But where is SVN repo for it?
> Also saw commit into GF repo in scope of http://java.net/jira/browse/MQ-177. But it is only to
> support @Inject JMSContext in GF.
> It should be some MQ Client API or MQ Adapter code in GF repo, isn't it? And latest OpenMQ RI should be
> integrated into
> GF repo, right?
> The JMS client, broker and resource adapter are developed as Open Message Queue, using a separate Mercurial code
> repository.
> periodically, builds of Open Message Queue are incorporated into GlassFish.
> If you go to http://mq.java.net/5.0.html#download and look at "Source-code Downloads 5.0" there's a comment
> "Mercurial archive is not yet available. Use the source-archive link in the Downloads table, above." I'll try to
> find out more, but as you discovered the source code is available as a zip.
> The feature you mentioned (MQ-177) is an extension to GlassFish itself to support the injection of JMSContext
> objects into web or EJB components, and is developed as part of GlassFish, using the GlassFish svn code repository.
> But I can't find where these things are. Could someone please explain JMS2.0 adoption process into GF and
> dependencies
> between libs and repos.
> Help me complete full puzzle.
> Hope this begins to answer your question...
> Nigel
> P.S. If it is a wrong mailing list to ask such questions, please advice correct one...
> Thank you,
> Oleg