>>>>> 2) Some feedback for the CDI community comes from the way that JMS wants a "gracefully degrading scope" such
>>>>> that @TransactionScoped is used if a transaction is in progress, otherwise a request scoped is used. I would hope
>>>>> to specify this idea in CDI 2.0, hopefully in a way that JMS can then use (as opposed to specifying it directly)
>>>> Would this expand the definition of @TransactionScoped to state that it degrades to to be the same as
>>>> @RequestScoped when there was no transaction?
>>>> How would this relate to whatever the JTA spec lead is planning to say about @TransactionScoped? Should that spec
>>>> (rather than CDI) define @TransactionScoped as a gracefully degrading scope?
>>> More that you could define a bean to be @TransactionScoped and that *this bean* degrades to @RequestScoped if the
>>> transaction is not active.
>> How does that differ from what is currently proposed? Or are you suggesting that the "degrading option" is specified on the bean somehow?
> Yes, for example @TransactionScoped @RequestScoped(ifNotActive=TransactionScoped.class)
> or something like that (note this is just an idea right now!)
Right, I see. That would simplify the implementation of JMSContexts but not affect applications.
In addition, once such a feature was added we could change the JMS spec to define the scope of JMSContexts in terms of
this feature (i.e. it would explicitly state that the scope of an injected JMSContext would be
@TransactionScoped @RequestScoped(ifNotActive=TransactionScoped.class)
I appreciate this is just an idea right now. But looks like JMS could adopt it easily enough when the time came.