[jms-spec users] Adopt a JSR JMS 2.0 Workshop in London

From: <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:37:59 +0000 (GMT)

Hi all,

As part of the Adopt a JSR program (
we're looking to run a JMS 2.0 workshop that will have 20-25 day-today
developers use the latest version of the RI and give some meaningful

Folks like Colin Crist (and hopefully Tim Fox) will be mentoring each

So a few questions for the spec lead / EG:

1.) Is there a binary RI we can use? (some sort of Glassfish
implementation I assume). Or so we build one from source out of SVN?

2.) Are there any test frameworks/stubs/harnesses that are already used
by the community?

3.) Are there any particular areas that the EG are concerned about in
terms of day-to-day developers using current draft of the spec? We tend
to setup test scenarios that the developers need to pass and then
simply observe them using the new API..
