[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: Re: JMS 2.0: Planning the next stage

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:57:00 +0100


Thanks. I've updated the wiki at

There are some clear frontrunners, and although we still need to clear the backlog of unfinished issues before we can
start on new ones.

In particular JMS_SPEC-73 (Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered application server instances)
gets five votes. Please note that I made some proposals for that issue in the MDB configuration document I circulated
two weeks ago (see the thread "[jsr343-experts] Re: Proposals for MDB and RA standardisation (JMS_SPEC-30,55,54,25,73)").


On 06/07/2012 17:14, Nick Wright wrote:
> Here are my votes for the P3 list in rough priority order. Similarly to John, my primary focuses are usability and
> scalability.
> JMS_SPEC-68 Add new method Session.acknowledge()
> JMS_SPEC-74 Define lifecycle of durable subscriptions used by MDBs
> JMS_SPEC-73 Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered application server instances
> JMS_SPEC-18 Standard set of server JMX MBeans
> JMS_SPEC-37 Last Value Cache Feature for a topic. JMS_SPEC-21 Support for pre-acknowledge ack mode
> Regards,
> Nick
> On 01 May 2012 at 15:24 Nigel Deakin <> wrote:
> Thanks to the four of you who who voted on what P3 issues we should discuss after we've completed the P2 list.
> This is very helpful
> Further votes welcome! I would like to invite everyone else from the EG to select up to *6* issues from the *22
> *issues listed in the two tables below that /you /think we should discuss. Anything not shortlisted will stay on
> the list for later.
> I've created a wiki page which shows the votes so far.
> Thanks,
> Nigel
> On 28/03/2012 15:13, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> *Priority 3: New Issues*
> We now come to the new issues which we have not formally considered yet. I think we should plan to discuss all
> of them, even if the conclusion is to do nothing. However, bearing in mind the Priority 2 issues above, I
> don't think we are going to have time to discuss all of them in time for JMS 2.0 so we decide which ones to
> discuss first:
> Here are the 14 larger new issues:
> JMS_SPEC-90 <> Provide simpler mechanism to refer to queues and topics
> in a portable way
> JMS_SPEC-88 <> Bind JMS to CDI events and/or business interfaces
> JMS_SPEC-83 <> Tighter specification of Expired Message Handling in
> Section 4.8 "Message Time-to-Live"
> JMS_SPEC-74 <> Define lifecycle of durable subscriptions used by MDBs
> JMS_SPEC-73 <> Define how messages from a topic are delivered to
> clustered application server instances
> JMS_SPEC-72 <> Poison message management
> JMS_SPEC-59 <> Basic metadata/management via JMS
> JMS_SPEC-58 <> New method Message.copyMessage() to create a mutable
> copy of a received message
> JMS_SPEC-37 <> Last Value Cache Feature for a topic.
> JMS_SPEC-21 <> Support for pre-acknowledge ack mode
> JMS_SPEC-18 <> Standard set of server JMX MBeans
> JMS_SPEC-14 <> Durable subscription browser
> JMS_SPEC-7 <> Provide HTTP Binding
> JMS_SPEC-5 <> Multi-Value Support in Properties
> Here are the 8 smaller new issues:
> JMS_SPEC-91 <> New "relaxed message order" option
> JMS_SPEC-79 <> New factory methods to create BytesMessage and
> MapMessage and set the payload
> JMS_SPEC-71 <> Change XAConnectionFactory to extend ConnectionFactory
> JMS_SPEC-68 <> Add new method Session.acknowledge()
> JMS_SPEC-67 <> Relaxing the requirement to throw an exception if a
> message is sent to a deleted temp destination
> JMS_SPEC-66 <> Define how MessageConsumer.receive should handle a
> thread interrupt
> JMS_SPEC-24 <> Clarify classloader used in ObjectMessage.getObject()
> and/or provide new method getObject(ClassLoader classLoader)
> JMS_SPEC-22 <> Add JMS defined property JMSXGroupLast