[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: (JMS_SPEC-6) Add Reference to SOAP Binding

From: Rüdiger zu Dohna <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 18:48:13 +0100

@John: I think a WSDL should describe the business interface, while JMS is only the technical transportation level, isn't it?

On 2012-03-02, at 22:49, John D. Ament wrote:

> Would it be worthwhile to define a standard WSDL, within JMS, for supporting messaging?
> John
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Nigel Deakin <> wrote:
> (I'm working my way through the various suggestions made in JITA over the past few months. Most of them I'm deferring for later discussion, but one or two of them I'm raising now.)
> I refer to this JIRA isste
> raised by fribeiro
> He wrote: "The W3C has developed an "official" SOAP binding for JMS that should probably be referred to by the next release of the spec."
> The spec referred to is "SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0, W3C Recommendation 16 February 2012" edited by representatives from IBM, Progress Software and TIBCO. (IBM and TIBCO are represented on this expert group...)
> It's not obvious to me what change is needed to JMS; the document referred to is dependent on JMS, not the other way round. Does anyone here think we need any changes to JMS, perhaps to make a SOAP binding easier in some way?
> Nigel