[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: (JMS_SPEC-64) Define simplified JMS API

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:48:59 +0000

I've made a further small change to the proposed simplified API (which I forgot to make yesterday). Previously we had
two methods on MessagingContext called createSyncDurableSubscriber, which returned a SyncMessageConsumer. I've now
renamed these to createSyncDurableConsumer.

This is more consistent with the type of the object returned, and also makes MessagingContext consistent with the new
createDurableConsumer methods we added to Session for

The updated javadocs are in the usual place:

I've still not attempted to up0date the spec, but I've updated the simplified API document (which will at some stage get
merged into the spec). To make things easier to manage I've added this document to svn, and you can now always find the
latest version at
(these changes are in version 46)


> For all these changes, I've updated the javadocs and the proposals document. I still haven't attempted to say anything
> about the simplified API in the spec itself.
> The updated javadocs are in the usual place:
> I have also produced a new version of the spmplified API proposals document. This is version 2:
> There are change bars and a change log at the bottom.
> This is all the changes to the simplified API we have at the moment. The next step is to propose how applications can
> make use of CDI to inject MessagingContext objects.
> Nigel