[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] JSR 343: Transition to JCP 2.8

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 10:32:58 +0000

This is to let you know that there's an initiative within Oracle to transfer all Oracle-led JSRs (including this one) to
use the latest version of the Java Community Process. This is JCP 2.8, and the changes are summarised here:

The changes are intended to make the workings of an expert group more transparent and open. The most important changes are:

* Each JCP 2.8 JSR will present its Expert Group communications, proceedings and documents in a mechanism that enables
public review and commentary/feedback. This mechanism will also archive all such communications (1.1.1).

* Each JCP 2.8 JSR will have a publicly visible Issue Tracker in which the public can suggest new issues and track
existing issues, and the Executive Committee can review the progress on open issues (1.1.2).

* Nominations to a JCP 2.8 JSR's Expert Group and all substantive discussion, deliberation and decisions on those
nominations by the Spec Lead and Expert Group, if any, will be provided publicly, via the JSR's public communication
channel (1.2.1)

* Each JCP 2.8 JSR will list the names of the experts serving on the Expert Group, as well as which JCP Member they
represent (1.2.1).

* Each JSR and the Expert Group must respond to such comments before the next EC ballot. Note: if you use the discussion
boards on provided for this purpose and are not representing a JCP Member who has signed the JSPA 2, the
Terms of Use address your posts as potential contributions (1.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.2).

(See the above link for a longer list)

We're doing most of this already, especially in terms of making the deliberations of the expert group public and in
using an issue tracker.

We're currently still on JCP 2.7 (as shown on I'm not sure of the exact procedure
for making the transition to JCP 2.8 and what the next steps will be - when I know more I'll pass it on. But if you have
any questions or concerns please ask.
