On 15/12/2011 18:27, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> On 29/09/2011 15:24, Nigel Deakin wrote:
>> I'd like to raise this as a discussion topic rather than a concrete proposal.
>> I've also logged this in JIRA
>> http://java.net/jira/browse/JMS_SPEC-53
>> My question is: should we change all the JMS interfaces that currently implement a close() method to implement the
>> java.lang.AutoCloseable interface?
>> This would affect Connection, Session, MessageConsumer, MessageProducer, QueueBrowser.
> This proposal received support and no objections when I raised it some time ago.
> I've been looking at this in a bit more detail.
> Making Connection, MessageConsumer, MessageProducer, QueueBrowser extend AutoCloseable seems straightforward.
> However there's a problem with Session. This already extends Runnable, so I can't make it extend AutoCloseable. (I can't
> think of an obvious way around this, but if I've missed something obvious please let me know)
> This suggests two options:
> 1. Leave Session unchanged and make all the other interfaces extend AutoCloseable
> 2. Option (1) is confusing and inconsistent to users. It's better to simply make Connection extend AutoCloseable and
> leave the other interfaces unchanged. In practice the only object that actually needs closing in practice is COnnection
> anyway.
> Any preferences? I'm inclined towards (2)...
I've now updated the javadocs and the draft spec with details of this new feature (these changes are additive, so those
docs include other changes).
The updated Javadocs are here:
(See the small change to Connection)
The updated draft spec is here:
(all changes are highlighted clearly with changebars, but the only place I've changed is 4.3.5 "Closing a Connection",
the example in section 9.1.3. Creating a Connection", and section 11.5.3 "Automatically closing a connection", which is
just a change log)
I've only made Connection extend AutoCloseable. As mentioned above, I couldn't change Session since this already extends
Runnable. Although I could have changed MessageProducer, MessageConsumer and QueueBrowser I decided to leave these
unchanged since I thought it better to have Connection as the special case which does support try-with-resources (since
this is the only object that actually needs closing) rather than have Session as the special case which does not. (Note
that MessagingContext, part of the proposed simplified API, already extends AutoCloseable)