In CDI it's perfectly valid to have the bean instance vary at runtime to any object. What CDI (makes you) avoid is the idea that new bean definitions can be added at runtime. At deployment time you can add stuff just fine.
So, if you want to give the effect of dynamically adding beans at runtime, you need to add a producer method that reacts to some other info on the injection point than the qualifiers. For example, non binding attributes of a qualifier, or just other annotations.
What Reza describes is a great example of what you can do - scan injection points and reactively create beans at deployment time. In CDI 1.1 we will add first class support for this pattern by providing a "ProcessInjectionPoint" event which you can observe to be notified of all injection points, and can then add beans for.
Late resolution is something people have requested as a feature often for CDI, but it would really destroy the semantics of CDI and make it quite inconsistent.
On 5 Dec 2011, at 21:38, wrote:
> Nope -- it's not really forbidden :-). In a very academic sense, every injection point with qualifiers is supposed to be married up with statically configured beans or producer method configuration. In a more loose sense though, there is nothing wrong if these beans are dynamically generated/resolved by an extension. For example, we do this kind of thing all the time in Resin:
> @Inject @JndiNamed("queue/MyQueue") Queue myQueue; // As opposed to @Resource
> In theory, a developer could define a Queue object and place a @JndiNamed qualifier on it, but in reality they never do and they do not expect these objects to be statically defined anywhere. Even if there was a static definition, we simply throw an ambiguous resolution exception in the "extension" at deployment time.
> Dec 5, 2011 03:31:47 PM, wrote:
> Reza,
> Exactly which rule do you see being bent? I understand that this is not the primary use case designed in CDI, but it's not 'forbidden' in any way, is it?
> On 05.12.2011, at 16:37, wrote:
>> I agree this is quite possible, even using qualifiers (in the qualifier case, you would simply be "bending" the rules of how standard CDI reacts to qualifiers in your extension).
>> Dec 2, 2011 03:29:13 AM, wrote:
>> John,
>> I understand that CDI is built with the assumption that all beans to be injected know everything at compile time (Spring does almost the same thing, only that the beans are configured in external files, so it's at deploy time, but still in advance). Even qualifiers are only used to then pick the correct bean at runtime, if there are multiple ones. The only exception to this way of thinking is non-binding qualifier attributes. They allow the bean to react on a piece of configuration, but that's not enough for these examples, esp. if e.g. the @ConnectionFactory is supposed to be optional: If it's optional, it can't be a qualifier, or you need two beans which are otherwise exactly the same. With 3 optional qualifiers, that makes 8 beans... good scaling is something else.
>> It's not easy, but quite possible, to write a CDI extension that builds those beans on demand. You have to scan all injection points, and for every variant of qualifiers, you dynamically create a bean. I did that for the MessageApi, so I can react on, e.g., the @DestinationName annotated to the injection point. It's actually a triple jump and the code is a little tangled right now, as it does three things... I'll fix that.
>> The only scope that I've yet needed was Dependent, so it's a constant right now. But I think this could be dynamic just as well. And even if not: The bean could itself reference beans that have a different scope, couldn't it.
>> Rüdiger
>> On 02.12.2011, at 01:33, John D. Ament wrote:
>>> Rudiger,
>>> So I think here is one of the issues that Pete Muir raised to us, that didn't end up on the whole EG. This mostly stems from an issue I had that I was using incorrectly. Basically, CDI doesn't handle the "configuration" elements that DI can provide, only the injection part. This would be represented in things like Spring where you can read files from the file system as your context, which may differ between environments. Configuration in this case could be done in the external files and loaded into the application context. CDI provides no mechanism for this, though it seems like you can do this using qualifiers. The problem is that you need to reinject on each injection point. So the injected object must be dependent scoped, rather than bound to other contexts. This is the main issue I see with trying to inject against a connection factory.
>>> Nigel,
>>> As far as an example goes, yes that is what I was thinking.
>>> I really don't have an example with shared transaction. I would imagine though just a receive method that returns a message.
>>> John
>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Rüdiger zu Dohna <> wrote:
>>> I think it could go like this:
>>> Java SE clients require a Connection to produce MessagingContexts (formerly known as Sessions). The Connection in turn is produced from a ConnectionFactory that is looked up from JNDI. Or it could be injected with CDI, when the injection point is annotated to provide the name of the factory and the parameters required for creating the connection (user name, etc.).
>>> @Inject
>>> @ConnectionFactory("jms/ConnectionFactory")
>>> @JmsCredentials(userName = "joe", password = "doe")
>>> Connection connection;
>>> ...
>>> MessagingContext context = connection.createMessagingContext(MessagingContext.TRANSACTED)
>>> Java EE clients don't need a Connection, so the MessagingContext could be produced from a MessagingContextFactory that is looked up from JNDI, or directly injected with CDI. The EE client would have to provide the same parameters/annotations as the SE client, plus those required for creating the MessagingContext itself.
>>> @Inject
>>> @ConnectionFactory("jms/ConnectionFactory")
>>> @JmsCredentials(userName = "joe", password = "doe")
>>> @AcknowledgeMode(MessagingContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
>>> MessagingContext context;
>>> And best of all: Every annotation could be optional if they have useful defaults.
>>> Does this sound feasible?