- (JMS_SPEC-34) Calling setJMSDeliveryMode or setJMSPriority on a javax.jms.Message before it is sent don't have any effect
- (JMS_SPEC-36) Allow messages to be delivered asynchronously in batches
- (JMS_SPEC-39) Make clientId optional when creating a durable subscription
- (JMS_SPEC-42) Make support for JMSXDeliveryCount mandatory
- (JMS_SPEC-43) New API to send a message with async acknowledgement from server
- (JMS_SPEC-44) New API to specify delivery delay
- (JMS_SPEC-52) Clarify that a message may be sent using a different session from that used to create the message
- (JMS_SPEC-63) Introduce concept of platform default JMS connection factory in Java EE
- (JMS_SPEC-64) Define simplified JMS API
- [jms-spec users] Welcome Rob Davies
- [jsr343-experts] (JMS_SPEC-63) Introduce concept of platform default JMS connection factory in Java EE
- [jsr343-experts] (JMS_SPEC-64) Define simplified JMS API
- [jsr343-experts] (JMS_SPEC-65) Clarify use of NoLocal arg when using createDurableSubscriber
- [jsr343-experts] Welcome Rob Davies
- JMS Support for DI
- Make Connection, Session and other interfaces implement AutoCodeable