
[jsr343-experts] Re: (JMS_SPEC-46) Define standard API to create and configure a ConnectionFactory

From: Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 14:37:18 -0400


This seems like an excellent, timely change.


On 8/11/2011 11:46 AM, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> I have created this JIRA issue
> http://java.net/jira/browse/JMS_SPEC-46
> Aspects of this issue were raised by both Clebert and Emran, but I
> believe there is a wider requirement which comes out of the Java EE
> platform initiatative to allow JMS and other resources to be specified
> in more detail.
> Clebert wrote: "[I would like to see the ability] to instantiate
> connection factories directly. I would make a relation to JDBC here.
> You can make here an analogy to JDBC as you don't need JNDI to make an
> initial connection."
> Emran wrote: "[I would like to see] API on connection factories to
> create connections with secure transport (I have seen this feature in
> the jms containers as a configurable property on connection factories)."
> This is quite a long description and it may be easier to read the
> formatted version in the JIRA issue rather than the
> text version below. In any case, I would appreciate your comments on
> what is a small but potentially very significant change.
> Nigel
> This is a proposal to extend the JMS specification to define a
> standard way of instantiating and configuring connection
> factory objects.
> Background
> ----------
> A connection factory is an example of an administered object. The JMS
> 1.1 specification establishes the convention
> whereby administered objects (connection factories and destinations)
> are not created in application code. Instead they
> are created by an administrator using tools specific to the JMS
> provider and stored in JNDI. The application code then
> looks up the connection factory or destination from JNDI and uses them
> in accordance with the JMS API.
> The purpose of this is clearly stated in the specification: it is to
> allow everything that is non-standard and specific
> to a particular JMS provider to be kept out of the code itself. (See
> "Relevant sections of the JMS 1.1 Specification"
> below).
> In the case of connection factories, this means that the application
> doesn't have to contain any information about how
> to connect to the JMS provider. For example, if the JMS provider is
> running on some remote server, the application
> doesn't contain any information about the location of the server or
> the protocol used to connect to it. All this
> information is defined when the connection factory is created by an
> administrator, separate from the application itself.
> However the JMS specification says nothing about how the connection
> factory itself is created or configured, other than
> saying that it is done by "provider-specific facilities". All it says
> is that:
> * it must implement javax.jms.ConnectionFactory,
> * it must implement javax.naming.Referenceable and
> java.io.Serializable, so it can be stored in all JNDI naming contexts
> (section 4.2)
> * it is *recommended* that implementations "follow the JavaBeans
> design patterns"
> * it allows client identifier to be set (section 4.3.2)
> However the specification does not define:
> * how a connection factory is instantiated
> * how the location of the server is defined
> * how client identifier is set
> * how other properties are set
> Now although this omission from the JMS 1.1 specification is no doubt
> deliberate, it does cause some difficulties:
> * it is not possible to develop standard tools for creating connection
> factories (and binding them in JNDI) which work
> with multiple JMS providers
> * in a Java EE environment, there is no standard way of configuring
> the JMS requirements of a particular application
> * it is inconsistent with way in which a JDBC DataSource objects is
> defined, both in a Java SE and a Java EE
> environment. This is discussed more in 'How JDBC DataSource objects
> are configured'.
> Proposals
> ---------
> It is proposed that the way that a ConnectionFactory is created and
> configured be partially standardised in a manner
> similar to JDBC DataSource objects, as follows:
> * A ConnectionFactory implementation is a JavaBean, and may be
> instantiated by executing the no-arg constructor of its
> implementation class. For example:
> ConnectionFactory cf =
> Class.forName("com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory")
> * The JMS specification will define a set of properties which may be
> used to identify and describe a ConnectionFactory
> implementation.
> || Property name || Type || Description||
> | description | String | description of this connection factory|
> | user | String| user name (may be overridden when createConnection is
> called) |
> | password | String| password corresponding to user name may be
> overridden when createConnection is called) |
> | networkProtocol | String| network protocol used to communicate with
> the JMS provider |
> | serverName | String| server name of the JMS provider |
> | portNumber | String| port number of the JMS provider |
> | networkProtocols | String[] | array of network protocols used to
> communicate with the JMS provider |
> | serverNames | String[] | array of server names of the JMS provider |
> | portNumbers | String[] | array of port numbers of the JMS provider |
> | url | String| Opaque string which defines how to connect to the JMS
> provider |
> | clientId | String| JMS client identifier |
> * ConnectionFactory properties follow the convention specified for
> properties of JavaBeans components in the JavaBeans
> 1.01 Specification. ConnectionFactory implementations may augment this
> set with implementation-specific properties. If
> new properties are added, they must be given names that do not
> conflict with the
> standard property names.
> * ConnectionFactory implementations must provide "getter" and "setter"
> methods for each property they support. These
> properties typically are intended to be initialized before the object
> is bound in JNDI for subsequent use by an application.
> * ConnectionFactory properties are not intended to be directly
> accessible by JMS clients. This design is reinforced by
> defining the access methods on the implementation class rather than on
> the public DataSource interface used by
> applications. Furthermore, the object that the client manipulates can
> be a wrapper that only
> implements the ConnectionFactory interface. The setter and getter
> methods for the properties need not be exposed to the
> client.
> * Management tools that need to manipulate the properties of a
> ConnectionFactory implementation can access those
> properties using introspection.
> Note that this gives three alternative ways to define how the
> connection factory should communicate with the server:
> * an opaque URL string
> * a tuple of (networkProtocol, serverName, portNumber), where
> networkProtocol may be omitted
> * an array of such tuples, represented here as three separate arrays
> A JMS provider may support all, some or none of these alternatives.
> * If both URL and one of the other forms are supported and both are
> supplied, the URL is used.
> * If the single tuple (networkProtocol, serverName, portNumber) is
> supported, then a single-element array of tuples will
> also be supported
> (Much of the wording above is based on section 9.4.1 'DataSource
> properties' of the JDBC 4.0 specification.)
> How JDBC DataSource objects are configured
> ------------------------------------------
> This section describes how, although JDBC DataSource objects are
> similar in concept to JMS ConnectionFactory objects,
> the JDBC and Java EE specifications define in much more detail how
> DataSource objects are created and configured than
> the JMS specification defines for ConnectionFactory objects.
> A JMS ConnectionFactory is a factory for creating connections to a JMS
> provider, using the createConnection method. In
> JDBC, a javax.jdbc.DataSource fulfils a similar role as a factory for
> creating connections to a JDBC database, using the
> getConnection method.
> Section 9.4.2 recommends that javax.jdbc.DataSource objects are stored
> in JNDI to allow database-specific configuration
> to be kept separate from the application. This much is similar to JMS.
> However the JNDI specification differs from JMS in providing a lot of
> guidance on how to create a DataSource. Section
> 9.4.1 contains a whole list of standard data source properties which
> may be supported:
> * databaseName
> * dataSourceName
> * description
> * networkProtocol
> * password
> * portNumber
> * roleName
> * serverName
> * user
> Although the specification suggests that not all DataSource
> implementations support all properties, it does define names
> for these most common properties, and specifies that when supported,
> they must be configurable using standard JavaBeans
> "setters and getters".
> In addition, a DataSource may be instantiated by invoking its no-arg
> constructor. This isn't stated explicitly in the
> spec (if the DataSource were a JavaBean then a no-arg constructor
> would be mandatory, but the spec only states that its
> properties follow the conventions specified for properties of
> JavaBeans, not that a DataSource is itself a JavaBean) but
> in practice the convention that it can is well-established.
> This means that a DataSource may be instantiated, given the name of
> the implementation class as a String, using code of
> the following form:
> DataSource ds = Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource")
> Meanwhile, the Java EE 6 specification defines a DataSourceDefinition
> annotation and a corresponding <data-source>
> element which defines the following properties of a DataSource:
> * className (required)
> * name (required)
> * databaseName
> * description
> * initialPoolSize
> * isolationLevel
> * loginTimeout
> * maxIdleTime
> * maxPoolSize
> * maxStatements
> * minPoolSize
> * password
> * portNumber
> * properties
> * serverName
> * transactional
> * url
> * user
> This is a longer list than is defined in JDBC, partly because the JDBC
> spec is older, but also because it also includes
> pooling properties. Perhaps of the most interest is the url property,
> which may be provided as an alternative to
> serverName and port.
> Relevant sections of the JMS 1.1 Specification
> ----------------------------------------------
> The relevant sections of the JMS specification are given below:
> Section 2.3 'Administration'
> "It is expected that JMS providers will differ significantly in their
> underlying messaging technology. It is also
> expected there will be major differences in how a provider’s system is
> installed and administered.
> "If JMS clients are to be portable, they must be isolated from these
> proprietary aspects of a provider. This is done by
> defining JMS administered objects that are created and customized by a
> provider's administrator and later used by
> clients. The client uses them through JMS interfaces that are
> portable. The administrator creates them using
> provider-specific facilities.
> "There are two types of JMS administered objects:
> • "ConnectionFactory - This is the object a client uses to create a
> connection with a provider.
> • "Destination - This is the object a client uses to specify the
> destination of messages it is sending and the source of
> messages it receives.
> "Administered objects are placed in a JNDI namespace by an
> administrator. A JMS client typically notes in its
> documentation the JMS administered objects it requires and how the
> JNDI names of these objects should be provided to it.
> Section 4.2 'Administered Objects'
> "JMS administered objects are objects containing JMS configuration
> information that are created by a JMS administrator
> and later used by JMS clients. They make it practical to administer
> JMS applications in the enterprise.
> "Although the interfaces for administered objects do not explicitly
> depend on JNDI, JMS establishes the convention that
> JMS clients find them by looking them up in a namespace using JNDI.
> "An administrator can place an administered object anywhere in a
> namespace. JMS does not define a naming policy.
> "This strategy of partitioning JMS and administration provides several
> benefits:
> • It hides provider-specific configuration details from JMS clients.
> • It abstracts JMS administrative information into Java objects that
> are easily organized and administered from a common
> management console.
> • Since there will be JNDI providers for all popular naming services,
> this means JMS providers can deliver one
> implementation of administered objects that will run everywhere.
> "An administered object should not hold on to any remote resources.
> Its lookup should not use remote resources other than those used by
> JNDI itself.
> "Clients should think of administered objects as local Java objects.
> Looking them up should not have any hidden side
> effects or use surprising amounts of local resources.
> "JMS defines two administered objects, Destination and ConnectionFactory.
> "It is expected that JMS providers will provide the tools an
> administrator needs to create and configure administered objects in a
> JNDI namespace. JMS provider implementations of administered objects
> should be both javax.naming.Referenceable and java.io.Serializable so
> that they can be stored in all JNDI naming contexts. In addition,
> it is recommended that these implementations follow the JavaBeans
> design patterns."
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