
[jsr343-experts] Clebert Suconic's priorities

From: <clebert.suconic_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 17:02:25 +0000

There are probably more to this... but these are my top priorities.

#1 - We should support annotations on JMS 2.0

#2 - Death to MDBs

Having said that, a Message Consumer will be a @MessageConsumer annotation,
so I don't think MDBs should still exist if we accomplish on doing that.

On that case MDBs would be a legacy option.

Maybe we would have to integrate with the Transaction Manager and do some
integration here in case of inside a container.

#3 - Support batching transactions as part of the specification

We could have the receiveMethod being an array or collection.

#4 - Asynchronous support for the API.

Application using an asynchronous API would have a higher support for
throughput not having to sync on sends and get a confirmation for when the
server has confirmed the request.

#5 - Better integration with JEE

Right now you can't create a consumer if running inside an application
server. We should have a better integration.

I believe this is a common agreement on everybody about the new spec.

Clebert Suconic