[Jersey] Re: Is "jersey-proxy-client" module production ready?

From: Guy Rouillier <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 05:30:15 +0000

We've used it in a production environment. We subsequently decided to
switch from Jersey to RestEasy, which has a parallel capability.

Personally, I would recommend always using a proxy client. It makes
programming to a REST interface as easy as local function calls. You
even get proper context assist with most Java IDEs (e.g., Eclipse.)
Frankly, I don't understand why anyone would choose to do it any other

Guy Rouillier
------ Original Message ------
From: "Fabrizio Cucci" <>
Sent: 12/14/2016 4:49:05 AM
Subject: [Jersey] Is "jersey-proxy-client" module production ready?
>Hi everyone,
>a few time ago I discovered the "jersey-proxy-client" module and I
>think it really comes in handy, especially when working with
>microservices communicating through REST.
>I've been using it for POCs and personal projects but, for some reason,
>I don't feel confident enough to use it in production scenarios. Let me
>try to list the main reasons:
>1) searching on the web, it SEEMS there are few people actually knowing
>the module. I personally discovered it by accidentally stepping into
>blog, but there is no information/example at all in the Jersey
>documentation (besides the module name in the "Table 2.5. Jersey
>Extensions"). Conversely, almost everyone knows Feign and Retrofit,
>even though none of them fully support JAX-RS 2.0 annotations.
>2) looking at the source code in the Jersey repository, it SEEMS like
>the code could use some love. There are a couple of comments (e.g. "is
>this the right thing to do? or should I fail? or ignore the
>difference?" , "TODO: should at least log some warning here") which
>gave me the impression the module has not been fully finalized (but
>again, it may well be a wrong feeling). As a side note, it would be
>nice to extend it to support at least a simple service discovery
>mechanism, e.g. exposing another factory which accepts a service
>discovery strategy in the form of Supplier<WebTarget>.
>I would be glad to be hear some feedback on this and, if the module is
>really production ready, why it is not "advertised" like it should be.
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