Yeah, that only complicates my use of JAX-RS/Jersey as an MVC framework.
I'll spend a bit more time to see if creating some sort of abstraction will
allow me to do what I normally do in our custom command pattern framework.
I really want the time doing repetitive tasks to be mitigated.
Right now, I'm trying to essentially replicate the setting of parameters as
request attributes, by leveraging Jersey's MVC templating, where the JAX-RS
service instance itself becomes the model. Perhaps I just need to have a
model class/instance of my own, and set it up within the service method.
I'm also trying to get past the limitation of Jersey, where it's not
maintaining state on redirects. Oh JSR-371, where art thou. :P But,
perhaps I can just use a custom injector or something, to setup the data
model on a redirect. I'll have to see if that's possible in a generic way.
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 1:09 AM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
> Unfortunately for you, that's not the case.
> You can move the declaration of those as respective method parameters and
> the validation should pass.
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 14/04/16 08:53, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
> I have the @FormParam on a resource class field. I would have thought
> that I could have both @FormParam, and @QueryParam defined in the class,
> and the system would simply fill them in when appropriate.
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 12:23 AM, Pavel Bucek <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Trenton,
>> Do you have @FormParam used somewhere in your resource?
>> If so, isn't it on the @GET annotated method? That would be illegal
>> state, since GET request cannot have an entity, so the @FromParam parameter
>> cannot be used..
>> Regards,
>> Pavel
>> On 14/04/16 08:01, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
>> I mis-interpreted that text in the spec, but I still see nothing to
>> indicate that an exception should be thrown in these circumstances.
>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Trenton D. Adams <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> ​Good day,
>>> I'm trying to setup a generic JAX-RS service, with field level variables
>>> for the parameters. I'm annotating them with @FormParam, because only
>>> the service request that uses post should be setting them. I'm getting an
>>> error.
>>> Now as far as I can tell, pg. 12 of he JAX-RS spec v2 says that "An
>>> implementation SHOULD warn if resource classes with other lifecycles use
>>> these annotations on resource class fields or bean properties."
>>> I'm taking that to mean that I should NOT be receiving an error here,
>>> but some sort of warning.
>>> Here's the error...
>>> A MultiException has 4 exceptions. They are:
>>> 1. java.lang.IllegalStateException: The "@FormParam" is utilized when
>>> the request method is GET
>>> 2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: The "@FormParam" is utilized when
>>> the request method is GET
>>> 3. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the
>>> dependencies of com.github.trentonadams.eve.features.ApiKeys errors were
>>> found
>>> 4. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve
>>> on com.github.trentonadams.eve.features.ApiKeys​
>>> I'm getting the error during a get request to the main service. The
>>> only post is this, which is not in use at the time of the call...
>>> @POST_at_Path("/post")@Produces(MediaType.TEXT_HTML)@Template(name = MainView.INDEX_JSP)public Response postService() throws URISyntaxException
>>> {
>>> final URI targetURIForRedirection = new URI(
>>> serviceUri.getBaseUri().toString() + "api-keys");
>>> return Response.seeOther(targetURIForRedirection).build();
>>> }
>>> "api-keys" is asctually the main service uri.