[Jersey] Re: _at_FormParam exception on GET request

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 09:09:36 +0200

Unfortunately for you, that's not the case.

You can move the declaration of those as respective method parameters
and the validation should pass.


On 14/04/16 08:53, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
> I have the @FormParam on a resource class field. I would have thought
> that I could have both @FormParam, and @QueryParam defined in the
> class, and the system would simply fill them in when appropriate.
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 12:23 AM, Pavel Bucek <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Trenton,
> Do you have @FormParam used somewhere in your resource?
> If so, isn't it on the @GET annotated method? That would be
> illegal state, since GET request cannot have an entity, so the
> @FromParam parameter cannot be used..
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 14/04/16 08:01, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
>> I mis-interpreted that text in the spec, but I still see nothing
>> to indicate that an exception should be thrown in these
>> circumstances.
>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Trenton D. Adams
>> < <>> wrote:
>> ​Good day,
>> I'm trying to setup a generic JAX-RS service, with field
>> level variables for the parameters. I'm annotating them with
>> @FormParam, because only the service request that uses post
>> should be setting them. I'm getting an error.
>> Now as far as I can tell, pg. 12 of he JAX-RS spec v2 says
>> that "An implementation SHOULD warn if resource classes with
>> other lifecycles use these annotations on resource class
>> fields or bean properties."
>> I'm taking that to mean that I should NOT be receiving an
>> error here, but some sort of warning.
>> Here's the error...
>> A MultiException has 4 exceptions. They are:
>> 1. java.lang.IllegalStateException: The "@FormParam" is
>> utilized when the request method is GET
>> 2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: The "@FormParam" is
>> utilized when the request method is GET
>> 3. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to
>> resolve the dependencies of
>> com.github.trentonadams.eve.features.ApiKeys errors were found
>> 4. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform
>> operation: resolve on
>> com.github.trentonadams.eve.features.ApiKeys​
>> I'm getting the error during a get request to the main
>> service. The only post is this, which is not in use at the
>> time of the call...
>> @POST @Path("/post")
>> @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_HTML)
>> @Template(name = MainView.INDEX_JSP)
>> public Response postService()throws URISyntaxException
>> {
>> final URI targetURIForRedirection =new URI(
>> serviceUri.getBaseUri().toString() +"api-keys");
>> return Response.seeOther(targetURIForRedirection).build();
>> }
>> "api-keys" is asctually the main service uri.