- 2.x, how to populate the parameter bean on Jersey GET request ?
- [ANN] Jesey 2.17 has been released (fixed links O:-)
- [Jersey] "Owned" Entity Filtering
- [Jersey] 2.x, how to populate the parameter bean on Jersey GET request ?
- [Jersey] [ANN] Jesey 2.17 has been released
- [Jersey] Add cookie in ClientRequestFilter
- [Jersey] Catch marshaling errors and present in one go
- [Jersey] Charset question
- [Jersey] Client Request/Response Filters for authentication
- [Jersey] ClientRequestFilter, replace with a new request
- [Jersey] glassfish 4.1 & jersey client 2.16
- [Jersey] InjectLink in unit test cases causes 500 Server Error
- [Jersey] JAXB annotations are ignored while serializing to JSON
- [Jersey] Jersey 2.17 NPE while processing declarative hyperlinking for BigDecimal and BigInteger
- [Jersey] JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL stopped working after upgrading Jersey from 2.7 to 2.17
- [Jersey] Oauth1 Client API
- [Jersey] ObjectMapper.writeValueAsString causes java.lang.IllegalStateException
- [Jersey] Optional path parameter at the beginning
- [Jersey] Override FOLLOW_REDIRECTS on a per-invocation basis
- [Jersey] problem with jersey 2.17 upgrade and POST form data + Jackson problem
- [Jersey] Question about Documentation
- [Jersey] Server-side access control using client's X509 certificate DN
- [Jersey] TLS client authentication issue.
- [Jersey] Try to integrete Jersey with Spring but got null pointer when use autowire to inject
- [Jersey] Try to receive multipart which contains json
- [Jersey] Using a ContainerResponseFilter to capture HttpServletResponse errors?
- Add cookie in ClientRequestFilter
- Catch marshaling errors and present in one go
- Charset question
- Client Request/Response Filters for authentication
- ClientRequestFilter, replace with a new request
- glassfish 4.1 & jersey client 2.16
- InjectLink in unit test cases causes 500 Server Error
- JAXB annotations are ignored while serializing to JSON
- Jersey 2.11 throws IllegalStateException: ServiceLocatorImpl has been shut down
- Jersey 2.17 NPE while processing declarative hyperlinking for BigDecimal and BigInteger
- Jersey SSE scalability on the client
- JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL stopped working after upgrading Jersey from 2.7 to 2.17
- Manipulating HTTP headers in MessageBodyWriter
- ObjectMapper.writeValueAsString causes java.lang.IllegalStateException
- Optional path parameter at the beginning
- Override FOLLOW_REDIRECTS on a per-invocation basis
- Question about Documentation
- Server-side access control using client's X509 certificate DN
- Try to integrete Jersey with Spring but got null pointer when use autowire to inject
- Using a ContainerResponseFilter to capture HttpServletResponse errors?
- Using Servlet Filters in a JerseyTest (2.x)
- Last message date: Tue Mar 24 11:24:55 2015
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:48 2017 PDT