[Jersey] Re: Optional path parameter at the beginning

From: Arun PV <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 11:20:59 +0530

Thanks. That worked.
---- On Mon, 09 Mar 2015 23:03:24 +0530 Adam Lindenthal&lt;; wrote ----


I am afraid your regex currently matches (optionally) the exact string “ver”, which is probably not what you intended.
I played a bit with it for a while and this is what seems to do the trick:

@Path("{ver : ([0-9\\.]*)?}{p:/?}{param1}/{param2}")

But I am not an expert in regular expressions, so you might want to tweak it to your needs and to do a more sophisticated matching of your exact version format (this accepts any string composed of ‘0’-‘9' digits and a dot in any combination and any order, yo might want to set other rules for it).

Hope this helps,

On 09 Mar 2015, at 16:12, Arun PV &lt;; wrote:


I'm developing a REST service API. Got stuck when tried the following method in the path parameter

@Path("/{ver : (ver/)?}{param1}/{param2}")The first parameter is optional, it's version number.This works if I try with no version no, like However it's not working if version parameter has a value, like (where is the base url ).Need help. Any idea why?Thanks in advance.Regards,Arun