[Jersey] Re: Jersey Client API as transport for JAX-WS requests

From: Maarten Boekhold <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:28:50 +0400

Hi all,

I've cleaned up my code a bit, and published it at I'd be very
interested to hear your feedback on this!

One note, the
method was copied pretty much verbatim from the JAX-WS RI at
I have no idea what implications that has on any licensing. If anybody
can comment on that I'd be very grateful.


On 2015-02-23 15:46, Maarten Boekhold wrote:
> On 2015-02-22 16:37, Maarten Boekhold wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm wondering if it is in any way possible to use the Jersey Client
>> API as the 'entry point' for HTTP communication for JAX-WS *client
>> requests*, eg:
> I've managed to implement this. My code is currently on a
> company-internal server. I suppose I should clean it up a bit (remove
> company references) and push it to my github account. And also, I'm
> sure there's still bugs in it. But the thing works in principle (at
> least using the
> StockQuote
> example).
> Maarten