[Jersey] Re: JERSEY-2172: No way to look up a resource by its URI

From: Marek Potociar <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 03:25:11 +0100

Hello Cowwoc,

There are no outstanding questions. I just didn't have time to review your last issue comment yet. From what I just read I would agree with you that your initial interpretation of JAX-RS resource meaning is different from the JAX-RS spec itself. JAX-RS resource is really more of a resource controller.

Off the top of my head, my immediate reaction would be that using JAX-RS matching algorithm to locate a couple data models from a database is an overkill. There should be a more efficient way how to do it. In any case, I would want to give it more thought and revisit the issue again when we finish work on more pressing tasks that we have on our plate at the moment.


> On 29. 11. 2013, at 23:57, cowwoc <> wrote:
> Hi Marek,
> It's been a couple of weeks since we last discussed JERSEY-2172. Can you please remind me of the outstanding questions that need to get answered for us to implement this feature?
> I remember you asking how ContainerRequestFilter should interact with this feature. My own use-case does not involve filters that modify the request so I would be fine if they were ignored. That being said, long-term we'd want the feature to behave the same as external requests which implies running through all ContainerRequestFilters. What problem are you running into?
> Thanks,
> Gili