[Jersey] Re: Best way to validate request objects in jersey?

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 21:17:06 -0700

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 5:27 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, what's the benefit of using Dropwizard as opposed to
> using the various technologies they mention by ourselves? I like most of
> what's inside, but as soon as they start talking about YAML configuration
> files, JDBI and Freemarker we go our separate ways :)

As mr. Hale said, just simplifying their use, speeding up
bootstrapping process.

But keep in mind that JSON config is fine (if YAML scares you); and
it's all just Config classes bound from whatever data (even XML for so
jDBI is great, but its use is optional (just much more convenient than
raw JDBC, and not too much rope a la Hibernate) ditto for Freemarker.
And use of extensions is strictly optional; they are proper Maven
sub-modules and you only add them if they make sense. Otherwise leave
out, or use something else. Bit like playing with legos really; use
pieces, leave them out, ones you use click together.

So this mini-framework manages to do something unusual in making it
both dead easy for noobs to start with full stack in about 10 minutes;
and without hiding any of the power from more experienced users. You
can access all parts (basic JAX-RS; or even add Servlets, servlet
It's like that mini-framework everyone has written once or twice, but
that no one else adopted and you forgot to maintain. Except someone
has maintained it and it works and is awesome.

Anyway. I kind of like it and suggest everyone have a look to see if
they might like it.

-+ Tatu +-