[Jersey] Re: Problems with post parameters in tests

From: Ludwig Magnusson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 13:33:35 +0100

Thank you.
I didn’t realise that I had to use the returned object from queryParam.

From: Pavel Bucek
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 2:37 PM
Subject: [Jersey] Re: Problems with post parameters in tests

You are not adding query param in your test. Try following:

        WebResource webResource = resource();
        String responseMsg = webResource.path("/test/foo").queryParam("bar", "theparameter").post(String.class);
        assertEquals("The bar parameter was: theparameter", responseMsg);

On 3/10/12 1:17 PM, Ludwig Magnusson wrote:
  Ok. I’ll put everything in the mail here. If you prefer attatched files, please tell me so and I will do that in the future.

  Below I display:
  1 My dependencies declared in my pom.xml
  2 The java-file with the method that receives the request
  3 My test

  The result from my test is: metaTest(test.MetaTest): expected:<... bar parameter was: [theparameter]> but was:<... bar parameter was: [null]>

  These are my jersey-dependencies:
  Note. I have tried adding jersey-server as well but it makes no difference.


  This is my javafile:

  package test;


  public class TestResource {

      public String foo(@QueryParam("bar") String bar) {
          return "The bar parameter was: " + bar;


  This is my test:

  package test;

  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

  import org.junit.Test;

  import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
  import com.sun.jersey.api.representation.Form;
  import com.sun.jersey.test.framework.JerseyTest;

  public class MetaTest extends JerseyTest {

      public MetaTest() {
      public void metaTest() throws Exception {
          WebResource webResource = resource();
          Form form = new Form();
          form.add("bar", "theparameter");
          String responseMsg = webResource.path("/test/foo").post(String.class, form);
          assertEquals("The bar parameter was: theparameter", responseMsg);


  I hope this clears things up.

  From: Pavel Bucek
  Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 12:01 PM
  Subject: [Jersey] Re: Problems with post parameters in tests

  You'll need to share your test environment description with us then.

  Are you using Jersey Test Framework? Or.. and that would be most likely the best approach - can you share runnable testcase?


  On 3/10/12 11:28 AM, Ludwig Magnusson wrote:
    My code looks exactly like that, i.e:
    public String post(@QueryParam("foo") String foo) {
       // value of foo is null here

    The thing is, if I access the method outside tests and make a HTTP POST request to the address with the post paramteters I am able to retreive them properly. It is only in the tests that no parameters are received.
    Apart from doing as in the code snippet above i have tried to extract parameters from the parameterMap in the HttpServlerRequest object and it is always completely empty. This is not the case outside the tests. The parameters are there if I make a reqular post to the addres via a browser.


    From: Pavel Bucek
    Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 10:34 AM
    Subject: [Jersey] Re: Problems with post parameters in tests

    On 3/9/12 8:55 PM, Ludwig Magnusson wrote:

      I am having some trouble with setting up my first test case for jersey. The problem is that post/get paramaters I want to use in my tests. None of the parameters are included in the HttpServlerRequest on the receiving side. Everything else works such as post/get, content types and the different paths.

      I use the grizzly server for my tests.
      My test class extends JerseyTest and this is the code for my test that sends the post:

      WebResource webResource = resource().path("/mypath");
      webResource.queryParam(“foo”, "bar");
      String responseMsg =;

      I have also tried:

      WebResource webResource = resource().path("/mypath");
      Form form = new Form();
      form.add(“foo”, “bar”);
      String responseMsg =, form)

      Is there something worng with my tests?

    most likely yes.

    Can you please post the code where you're trying to access query params?

    hint: it should look similarly to this:

    public class MyResource {

        public String post(@QueryParam("foo") String foo) {
            return "received query param foo = \"" + foo + "\"";


    See "Extracting Request Parameters" chapter in our user guide:

