[Jersey] Re: Base64 encoding problem

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2011 09:35:14 -0700

Hello Frederic,

it might be related to

I should be able to investigate it fully next week, so stay tuned
(almost whole jersey team is in transit right now - returning from J1).


On 10/6/11 5:05 AM, Frederic Bergeron wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a strange bug and I'm wondering if anyone has an idea about it.
> I'm using a Jersey client (via an instance of fedora-client) to
> interoperate with a RESTful server. However, for some reason, the
> client cannot authenticate itself successfully. Using an HTTP
> monitor, I can see the problem. The base64-encoded credentials data
> sent by the client is incorrect. The expected base64-encoded string is:
> ZmVkb3JhQWRtaW46ZmVkb3JhQWRtaW4=
> but the client sends rather
> ZmVkb3JhQWRtaW46ZmVkb3JhQWRtaW4A
> The username and password that I use are both fedoraAdmin, i.e., the
> base64-encoded string is "fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin" (without the quotes).
> I've tried to make a simple example to isolate the bug but I'm unable
> to reproduce it :-(
> Any idea of what could cause the problem?
> Frederic Bergeron