Is this enough help?
ContextResolver<JAXBContext> resolver = new MyJAXBContextResolver();
JSONJAXBContext context = (JSONJAXBContext) resolver.getContext(MyClass.class);
JSONMarshaller marshaller = context.createJSONMarshaller();
JSONUnmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createJSONUnmarshaller();
On Jun 27, 2011, at 8:07 AM, Alejandro Calbazana wrote:
> Hi,
> Simple question...
> I'd like to verify serialization of JAXB annotated classes to JSON in
> a unit test as part of my service's test suite. Is this possible? It
> looks like Jersey facilitates the processing of JAXB to JSON, but I
> am not sure how to replicate this path in a junit to ensure that the
> serialization that Jersey will apply will be what I expect.
> Any help on this is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Alejandro