mvn -v
it is just mvn command, no changes in pom files are required. You are
using Maven 3.0.2, so 3.x.
Everything should work fine for you, there were some problems with
samples distributed with glassfish (pom files were evaluated as
invalid), but we managed to fix it in 1.8 release.
On 6/27/11 1:26 PM, Sven Strittmatter wrote:
> Hello *,
> just a Java-n00b question: How do I figuere out if I'm using Maven 2
> or 3? I just started like described in such Hwotos/Tutorials/Javadoc
> and the Maven isntalled on Mac OS X (Apache Maven 3.0.2 (r1056850;
> 2011-01-09 01:58:10+0100)). Is the only a difference in the mvn
> command on command line or is there a difference in the POM, too?
> -Sven