Re: [Jersey] why does jersey-core 1.4 contain all of jsr311?

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:53:18 +0200

On Oct 28, 2010, at 2:37 PM, Ittay Dror wrote:

> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Ittay,
>> jersey-core bundles the 311 classes so we can work effectively with
>> OSGi for multiple versions of Jersey.
> multiple versions of jersey should import different package versions
> of jsr311.

Jersey 1.3 and Jersey 1.4 implement JAX-RS 1.1, its not feasible for
every release of Jersey to have a different release of 1.1. Ideally we
would have separate bundles but the way the JAX-RS RuntimeDelegate
works it is actually rather tricky for it to determine and obtain the
correct implementation from the appropriate Jersey jar if they are

>> So in your environment it is no longer necessary to include the 311
>> jar at runtime, are you doing that?
> i have an environment similar to OSGi. the trouble is that now when
> Jersey sees a @Path, it is not the same @Path as other jars since
> they come from different class loaders

But do you need to include the 311 jar in that environment?
