Re: [Jersey] why does jersey-core 1.4 contain all of jsr311?

From: Ittay Dror <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:37:09 +0200

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Ittay,
> jersey-core bundles the 311 classes so we can work effectively with OSGi for multiple versions of Jersey.

multiple versions of jersey should import different package versions of jsr311.

> So in your environment it is no longer necessary to include the 311 jar at runtime, are you doing that?
i have an environment similar to OSGi. the trouble is that now when Jersey sees a @Path, it is not the same @Path as other jars since they come from different class loaders

> In terms of a compile time only dependency it should be possible to compile against the 311 jar or the jersey jars.
> Paul.
> On Oct 27, 2010, at 7:46 PM, Ittay Dror wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The jersey-core 1.4 jar contains all of the classes. Why is this? The reason I'm asking is that this causes classloading issues in my environment (e.g., that jersey sees is not the same as what other components, that are wired to jsr311-api.jar see)
>> Regards,
>> Ittay
>> > jar tvf C:/Work/maven/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-core/1.4/jersey-core-1.4.jar | tail -20
>> 462 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/Response$StatusType.class
>> 5165 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/Response.class
>> 523 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/SecurityContext.class
>> 263 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/StreamingOutput.class
>> 3068 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/UriBuilder.class
>> 818 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/UriBuilderException.class
>> 1159 Sat Sep 11 22:29:26 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/UriInfo.class
>> 1071 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/Variant$VariantListBuilder.class
>> 3210 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/core/Variant.class
>> 0 Sat Sep 11 22:29:28 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/
>> 287 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/ContextResolver.class
>> 310 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/ExceptionMapper.class
>> 1052 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/FactoryFinder$1.class
>> 3684 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/FactoryFinder.class
>> 950 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/MessageBodyReader.class
>> 1220 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/MessageBodyWriter.class
>> 423 Sat Sep 11 22:29:26 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/Provider.class
>> 1258 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/Providers.class
>> 543 Sat Sep 11 22:29:24 IDT 2010 javax/ws/rs/ext/RuntimeDelegate$HeaderDelegate.class
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