Re: [Jersey] Re: Jersey and runtime exception handling

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 16:00:18 -0700

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 2:49 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> On Sep 3, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Alexandru Popescu ☀ wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Paul Sandoz <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sep 1, 2010, at 7:36 PM, DaHoopster wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> Thanks for the reply. I like your solution but what I need is a really
>>>> simple catch-all to catch all runtime exceptions so that a meaningful
>>>> XML
>>>> is
>>>> returned instead of the default HTML error page. I think I will have an
>>>> ExceptionMapper that maps to RuntimeException.
>>> It may be prudent to map Throwable if you need a catch any runtime
>>> exceptions and any checked exceptions thrown by the application.
>>> Paul.
>> That's already included in my proposed solution ;-). The ugliest thing
>> in a web app/service is to serve the client a stupid stack trace.
> Indeed, the only time i find such a thing useful is for a "debug" mode.

One simple way in XML or HTML is to just add stack trace in a
comment... available, but not displayed to user or code.

I think it's quite ok not to make stack trace specifically machine
readable; I don't think there's all that much value in there. It's
more useful for someone with wetware-based processors. :-)
But no matter how it's passed, it's hard to do automatically by
framework due to intrusiveness (unless it's passed as set of headers
which is why headers are sort of tempting thing to try to use)

-+ Tatu +-