Re: [Jersey] Re: Jersey and runtime exception handling

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 11:49:41 +0200

On Sep 3, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Alexandru Popescu ☀ wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Paul Sandoz <>
> wrote:
>> On Sep 1, 2010, at 7:36 PM, DaHoopster wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Thanks for the reply. I like your solution but what I need is a
>>> really
>>> simple catch-all to catch all runtime exceptions so that a
>>> meaningful XML
>>> is
>>> returned instead of the default HTML error page. I think I will
>>> have an
>>> ExceptionMapper that maps to RuntimeException.
>> It may be prudent to map Throwable if you need a catch any runtime
>> exceptions and any checked exceptions thrown by the application.
>> Paul.
> That's already included in my proposed solution ;-). The ugliest thing
> in a web app/service is to serve the client a stupid stack trace.

Indeed, the only time i find such a thing useful is for a "debug" mode.

I have been wondering what to do there, i thought about using Jersey's
tracing mechanism to include the stack trace as a trace header, but
that might make some clients barf having to handle headers with too
many CR/LF. The other solution i thought about was to provide a URI to
where the exception stack trace can be obtained. Basically Jersey
would provide a simple resource where such exception stack traces are
cached in memory. In fact one could easily add such support as part of
the exception mapping proposal without having to anything specific to
Jersey itself.
