Re: [Jersey] Need help on Jersey(RestFul WebService)

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 11:46:33 +0200

Hi Kamal,

I am having trouble understanding the exact problem. What API is
XMLSerializer and JSONSerializer from?

I don't think this is a Jersey issue and is an with the way you are
convering JSON to XML and then parsing the XML. I think you need to
look more closely at the XML string and see it that matches the
structure expected by the JAXB class, SearchRequestType, you are using.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:25 AM, Kamal Mamunuri wrote:

> Hi ,
> I was implementing Restful webservice using jersey 1.1.5 and able to
> get the result if the input is xml .But I am getting errors while
> using JSON as my input .I am doing this test using SOUPUI as my
> client.
> I followed 2 ways to do this.
> Scenario1.
> 1.Paasing my input in JSON format and in my service I have
> mentioned as
> @Consumes( { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML,

If you are converting from JSON to XML i would expect:



> 2.
> private static String fromJsonToinputXml(String inputXml) throws
> Exception {
> XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer();
> JSON jsonO = JSONSerializer.toJSON(inputXml);
> serializer.setRootName("searchCriteria");
> serializer.setNamespace("subscription", "uri");
> serializer.setTypeHintsEnabled(false);
> String xml = serializer.write( jsonO );
> System.out.println("===>" + xml);
> return xml;
> }
> Here I am converting my JSON data which is passed as String
> and converted to JSON object and then Converting it to an XML .
> Then I am unmarshal this xml to my JaxB object .Because I have to
> pass this jaxb object to my façade.
> SearchRequestType searchReqType = (SearchRequestType) JaxbUtil
> .unMarshallWithXMLString
> inputXml,
> SearchRequestType.class);
> In this scenario after unmarshal the values in the object are
> getting null .

> Scenarion2
> ==================
> In this case
> I am converting input json data to Json Object and then converting
> to java object like the below
> private static Object fromJsontoJava(String inputXml) {
> JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON(inputXml);
> System.out.println("====>" + json.toString());
> System.out.println("====>" + JSONSerializer.toJava(json));
> return JSONSerializer.toJava(json);
> }
> After I got the JavaObject I am trying to typecase it to my
> JaxBObject where I was getting Classcastexception.
> Could you please help me how can I overcome this issue.
> I really appreciate your help.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kamal.