Need help on Jersey(RestFul WebService)

From: Kamal Mamunuri <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:25:25 -0700

Hi ,

I was implementing Restful webservice using jersey 1.1.5 and able to get the result if the input is xml .But I am getting errors while using JSON as my input .I am doing this test using SOUPUI as my client.



I followed 2 ways to do this.



1.Paasing my input in JSON format and in my service I have mentioned as


                @Consumes( { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })


private static String fromJsonToinputXml(String inputXml) throws Exception {


        XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer();

            JSON jsonO = JSONSerializer.toJSON(inputXml);


            serializer.setNamespace("subscription", "uri");


        String xml = serializer.write( jsonO );

        System.out.println("===>" + xml);

            return xml;



      Here I am converting my JSON data which is passed as String and converted to JSON object and then Converting it to an XML .

Then I am unmarshal this xml to my JaxB object .Because I have to pass this jaxb object to my façade.


SearchRequestType searchReqType = (SearchRequestType) JaxbUtil


                                                      inputXml, SearchRequestType.class);


In this scenario after unmarshal the values in the object are getting null .







In this case


I am converting input json data to Json Object and then converting to java object like the below


private static Object fromJsontoJava(String inputXml) {

            JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON(inputXml);

            System.out.println("====>" + json.toString());

            System.out.println("====>" + JSONSerializer.toJava(json));

            return JSONSerializer.toJava(json);



After I got the JavaObject I am trying to typecase it to my JaxBObject where I was getting Classcastexception.




Could you please help me how can I overcome this issue.



I really appreciate your help.



Thanks and Regards,
